자연보전권역 관련 제도개선 우선순위에 관한 연구

Priority for the Improvement on Natural Conservation Zone system

  • 투고 : 2019.05.14
  • 심사 : 2019.06.14
  • 발행 : 2019.07.30


This study suggests that the system improvement priority of the Natural Conservation Zone of the Metropolitan Area Maintenance Planning Law, which was enacted for about 37 years. First of all, through the precedent research and the consultation meeting, the improvement plan was divided into the short term and the mid(or long) term. Important findings and implications are as follows. The short-term priority results were 'Improve water quality regulation', 'Strengthen individual location regulations of factories and induce multi-use plan position', and 'Improvement of waterfront area regulation', which were both critical and urgent. The mid-term(or Long-term) priority results were 'To integrate development and environmental duplication regulations', 'Abolition and unification of environmental laws', and 'Adjustment and resetting of natural conservation areas', which were both critical and urgent. On the other hand, 76.4% of the residents and 64.5% of the experts are concerned about the necessity of improvement of the Natural Conservation Zone system. Both residents and experts seem to be aware of the necessity. Opinions about Improvement and mitigation of regulations on Natural Conservation Zone that were constantly raised. In the past, there was a temporary and fragmented institutional mitigation of the government. However, with the rapid development of eco-friendly technologies since 2010, Our Country Conditions is in a transition period. This study has significant implications for the improvement and mitigation of metropolitan area regulations.



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