The Utilization Method of Unsold/Unused Land in Urban Development Project Areas : Estimating Feasibility of Temporary Commercial Parking Lots Using CVM

조건부가치측정법(CVM)을 활용한 개발사업지구 내 유휴부지 유료주차장 활용방안 연구

  • Received : 2019.09.06
  • Accepted : 2019.10.18
  • Published : 2019.10.28


In this study, the author suggests utilizing unsold and unused land as temporary commercial parking lots as a way to raise funds for active public transport use. In addition, reasonable parking fee scheme is suggested by estimating marginal parking fee and marginal parking distance for the commercial parking lots based on the CVM. The author conducts a survey to investigate citizens' opinion on utilizing unsold and unused land in the urban development project area as temporary commercial transport facilities such as parking lots. Based on survey outcome, travel behavior and requirements are analyzed and marginal parking fee and marginal parking distance are estimated through the Contingent Valuation Method (CVM). The results are as follows: in the single-bounded dichotomous choice model, people are willing to pay 216 KRW for 165m in average for 10 minutes and their willingness to pay goes down against reaching distance to the parking lots from 365 KRW for 50m, 295 KRW for 100m, 173 KRW for 200m, and 51 KRW for 300m; in the double-bounded dichotomous choice model, people are willing to pay 285 KRW for 165m in average for 10 minutes and their willingness to pay goes down as well against reaching distance to the parking lots from 310 KRW for 50m, 297 KRW for 100m, 272 KRW for 200m and 248 KRW for 300m. It is clearly appeared that people's willingness to pay goes higher as distance to reach the parking lots goes shorter.



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