함수의 연속과 연속확률변수 개념에 대한 교수·학습적 고찰

Teaching and Learning of Continuous Functions and Continuous Random Variables

  • 투고 : 2019.03.14
  • 심사 : 2019.05.15
  • 발행 : 2019.06.30


One of the reasons students have difficulty in studying probability is that they do not understand the meaning of mathematical terms precisely. One such term is a continuous random variable. Students tend not to think of the accurate definition of continuous random variables but to understand the definition of continuity of functions and the meaning of continuity in probability as equal. In this study, we try to explore the degree of pre-service teachers' understanding on the concept of continuation of functions and continuous random variables. To do this, the questionnaire items related to continuous random variables and continuity of functions were developed by experts and examined by pre-service teachers. Based on this, we make suggestions on implications for teaching and learning about continuous random variables.



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