An extensive investigation on gamma ray shielding features of Pd/Ag-based alloys

  • Agar, O. (Karamanoglu Mehmetbey University, Department of Physics) ;
  • Sayyed, M.I. (University of Tabuk, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science) ;
  • Akman, F. (Bingol University, Vocational School of Technical Sciences, Department of Electronic Communication Technology) ;
  • Tekin, H.O. (Uskudar University, Vocational School of Health Services, Radiotherapy Department) ;
  • Kacal, M.R. (Giresun University, Arts and Sciences Faculty, Department of Physics)
  • Received : 2018.12.09
  • Accepted : 2018.12.20
  • Published : 2019.04.25


A comprehensive study of photon interaction features has been made for some alloys containing Pd and Ag content to evaluate its possible use as alternative gamma radiations shielding material. The mass attenuation coefficient (${\mu}/{\rho}$) of the present alloys was measured at various photon energies between 81 keV-1333 keV utilizing HPGe detector. The measured ${\mu}/{\rho}$ values were compared to those of theoretical and computational (MCNPX code) results. The results exhibited that the ${\mu}/{\rho}$ values of the studied alloys are in the same line with results of WinXCOM software and MCNPX code results at all energies. Moreover, Pd75/Ag25 alloy sample has the maximum radiation protection efficiency (about 53% at 81 keV) and lowest half value layer, which shows that Pd75/Ag25 has superior gamma radiation shielding performance among the other compared alloys.



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