Comparison between analytic and numerical approaches to calculate screening current induced field in HTS magnet

  • 투고 : 2019.02.21
  • 심사 : 2019.05.26
  • 발행 : 2019.06.30


This paper reports comparison between analytic and numerical simulation approaches for calculation of screening current and screening current induced field in a high temperature superconductor magnet. Bean slab model is adopted to calculate screening current and SCF analytically, while the finite element method numerically. A case study of screening current and SCF calculation are conducted with a magnet, a 7 T 68 mm cold-bore multi-width no-insulation GdBCO magnet built and tested by Massachusetts Institute of Technology Francis Bitter Magnet Laboratory. In this study, we assume the magnet is dunked in liquid nitrogen at 77 K. Furthermore, the simulation results are compared in terms of computation time and accuracy. Finally, discussion on the different methods together with the comparison between the calculations and experiment is provided.


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Fig. 1. Bean slab model: (a) virgin state; (b) exposed to an external magnetic field. Dash lines shown in (b) is equal to the field (𝐻) graph in (a). The x-axis indicates the width of an HTS tape.

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Fig. 2. The three cases of Bean slab model carrying DC transport current; $H_{a, 1-3}^{+/-}$ is a boundary field at the edge of an HTS tape. The x-axis indicates the width of an HTS tape.

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Fig. 3. SuNAM HTS tape critical current (𝐼𝑐) information measured at 77 K.

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Fig. 4. Simulation results.

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Fig. 5. Calculation and measurement results of total axial magnetic flux density.

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Fig. 6. Screening current induced field calculated by each approach and measured by MIT Francis Bitter Magnet Laboratory.

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Fig. 7. Simulation results of the radial component of total magnetic flux density and SCF.


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