뉴스진위 및 인지욕구에 따른 정보수용자의 수용(이해)과 확산영향에 대한 탐색적 연구

An Exploratory Study on the Information Recipients' Acceptance(Comprehension) and Diffusion: According to the Authenticity of the News(Real News vs. Fake News) and Need for Cognition

  • 투고 : 2019.04.22
  • 심사 : 2019.05.29
  • 발행 : 2019.06.30


The purpose of this study was to explore the factors influencing acceptance (e.g., comprehension,) and diffusion of information recipients' by depending on the authenticity of news. Specifically, this study has examined the effects of the news contents(political vs. general), need for cognition(high vs. low) and authenticity of the News(real news vs. fake news) on both acceptance and diffusion of news. Based on previous work, this study has developed a conceptual model to present each research hypothesis and tested it by conducting experiments as the follows. As a result, according to the authenticity of the news and the contents of the news (political and general), the acceptance of political contents was high regardless of the authenticity of the news, and the acceptance of real news was higher than that of fake news. However, in the proliferation (comment), both the political contents and the general contents showed the characteristic of spreading (commenting) fake news rather than real news. contrary to this, the cognitive level did not show any significant difference in acceptance (understanding) and proliferation (comment, sharing, recommendation). This study provides academic implications in that it examines the influences of accepting (comprehension) and diffusion (comment, sharing, recommendation) of real news and fake news. It also provides practical implications for responding to fake news and new marketing strategies in an environment where contents are delivered through diverse social media.



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