A Study on Establishment of Technical Guideline of the Installation and Operation for the Biogas Utilization of Transportation and City Gas: Results of the Precision Monitoring

고품질화 바이오가스 이용 기술지침 마련을 위한 연구(II): 도시가스 및 수송용 - 정밀모니터링 결과 중심으로

  • Received : 2019.03.08
  • Accepted : 2019.03.11
  • Published : 2019.06.30


This study carried out on-site investigation and precision monitoring to prepare proper design and operation technical guidelines for the use of bio gas in organic waste resources (fertilizing urine, food waste, food waste, food waste, etc.). According to the government's mid- and long-term policy on bio gasification, the expansion of waste resources is actively being pushed forward. However, facilities that use the biogas produced for urban gas and transportation are still under-efficient. Precision monitoring was carried out for biogasification facilities of organic waste resources in seven locations nationwide. When the results of precision monitoring were summarized with the four-season average, the efficiency analysis of each organic waste resource showed that the organic breakdown rate was 66.3% on average on VS basis. Analysis of biogas characteristics before and after pretreatment revealed that the $H_2S$ average of the entire facility was measured at 949.7 ppm using iron salts and desulfurization (dry, wet) and that the quality refining facility shearing and rear end was 29.0 ppm and 0.3 ppm. The methane content was found to be reduced by 65.6% at the rear of the fire tank, 63.5% at the back and 97.5% at the rear.

본 연구는 유기성폐자원(가축분뇨, 음식물류폐기물, 음식물류폐수 등)의 바이오가스 이용에 대한 적정 설계 및 운전 기술지침서 마련하고자 현장조사와 정밀모니터링 등을 실시하였다. 정부의 중장기 바이오가스화 정책에 따라 폐자원의 자원화 시설 확충이 활발히 추진되고 있다. 하지만 생산된 바이오가스를 이용하여 도시가스 및 수송용으로 활용하는 시설은 효율이 아직은 저조하다. 전국 7개소 유기성폐자원 바이오가스화 시설을 대상으로 정밀모니터링을 실시하였다. 사계절 평균으로 정밀모니터링 결과를 정리하였을 때, 유기성폐자원 별 효율성 분석에서 유기성분해율은 VS기준 평균 66.3 %로 분석되었다. 전처리 전후 바이오가스 성상을 분석한 결과 철염 및 탈황(건식, 습식)을 이용하여 전체 시설의 $H_2S$ 평균은 949.7 ppm으로 측정되었으며, 고품질화 정제설비 전단 및 후단에서 29.0 ppm과 0.3 ppm으로 나타났다. 메탄 함량은 소화조 후단에서 65.6 %, 고품질화 정제설비 전단 및 후단에서 63.5 %와 97.5 %까지 감소하는 것을 확인하였다.


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Fig. 5. Results of moisture contents, FS and VS(four seasons).

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Fig. 7. Results of CODcr in biogasification facilities(four seasons).

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Fig. 9. Results of VFA in biogasification facilities (four seasons).

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Fig. 10. Results of VFAs (before digester) by season.

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Fig. 11. Results of VFAs (after digester) by season.

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Fig. 12. Results of C/N ratio in biogasification facilities (four seasons).

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Fig. 14. Measurement of biogas (CH4, CO2, O2).

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Fig. 15. Measurement of biogas (NH3, H2S).

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Fig. 6. Results of VS removal efficiency by season.

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Fig. 8. Results of CODcr removal efficiency by season.

Table 4. Results of TS, VS and VS Removal Efficiency(Four Seasons)

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Table 5. Results of CODcr in Biogasification Facilities(Four Seasons)

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Table 6. Results of Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Biogasification Facilities(Four Seasons)

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Table 7. Results of VFA and Removal Efficiency in Biogasification Facilities(Four Seasons)

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Table 8. Results of Elemental Contents Ratio in Biogasification Facilities(Four Seasons)

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Table 9. Estimation of Biogas and Methane Production by Organic Wastes Inflow Rate

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Table 10. Measurement of Biogas by Facility in After-digester(AD)

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Table 11. Measurement of Biogas by Facility in Before-upgrading System(BU)

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Table 12. Measurement of Biogas by Facility in After-upgrading System(AU)

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Table 13. Measurement of Biogas Moisture by Facility(Summer, Autumn) in After Digester(AD)

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Table 14. Measurement of Biogas Moisture by Facility(Summer, Autumn) in Before Upgrading System

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