A Code of Practice for Risk Management of Tunnel Works

제3강 터널공사 리스크 관리 실무 코드

  • Published : 2019.03.16




  1. 글로벌 터널 설계 엔지니어링 실무, 2016, 김영근, 시아이알
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  6. A code of practice for risk management of tunnel works, 2006, The International Tunnelling Insurance Group
  7. The joint code of practice for risk management of tunnel works in the UK, 2006, The Association of British Insurers and The British Tunnelling Society
  8. Soren Degn Eskesen, Per Tengborg, Jorgen Kampmann, Trine Holst eicherts, idelines for tunnelling risk management: International Tunnelling Association, Working Group No. 2