A Study on the Possibility of E-Government Procurement in China

  • Received : 2019.08.14
  • Accepted : 2019.10.20
  • Published : 2019.10.31


Purpose - This paper aims to study what is impacting the development of e-Government Procurement in China, the current strategies of developing Chinese Governmental e-Procurement, and to present some measures by which Korea's exporting industry could enter the Chinese procurement market. Design/methodology - This study is to provide a systematic literatures review on what is impacting the development of e-Government Procurement in China. Hence, based on western research, Chinese literiatures are used for this study. Findings - To penetrate the e-procurement of the Chinese government, the acquisition of government procurement certification is necessary. Secondly, the qualification of "Made in China" is one way to join the market. And finally for Korean companies to enter the procurement, it is necessary to provide products to the public institutions such as universities, hospitals and social organizations and to the state-owned enterprises. Originality/value - This paper aims to study what is impacting the development of the e-Government Procurement in China, the current strategies of developing Chinese Governmental e-Procurements, and to present some measures by which Korea's exporting industry could enter the Chinese procurement market. These originalities can be expected to give understanding of Chinese e-govenment procurement and insight for strategy for both Korean enterprise and relavant academic circles.



This paper was supported by Wonkwang University in 2019.


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