Effects of Global Consumer Culture Positioning versus Local Consumer Culture Positioning in TV Advertisements on Consumers' Brand Evaluation and Attitude toward Brand

  • Received : 2019.09.12
  • Accepted : 2019.12.15
  • Published : 2019.12.31


Purpose - We perform an empirical analysis of the effects of global consumer culture positioning (GCCP) in TV advertisements on consumer's brand evaluations (perceived quality, perceived price, and brand prestige) and attitude toward brand. Also, we analyze the moderating roles of consumer characteristics (ethnocentrism and level of product knowledge) in those effects. Design/methodology - This research is based on a survey of 210 randomly-selected university students in Seoul, Korea. The participants in the survey were shown a total of 8 TV advertisements of consumer goods of nondurable goods (fast food and carbonated drinks), and durable goods (sports shoes and digital camera), which included two advertisements for each product where one uses GCCP strategy while another uses LCCP strategy. We estimate the structural model using the AMOS 18.0 computer program. Findings - We find that GCCP has more positive effects on consumers' brand evaluations and attitude toward brand than LCCP in TV advertising. We also find that GCCP has stronger effects on brand evaluation and attitude toward brand in consumers with weak ethnocentrism and in those with a low level of product knowledge. Practical implications - Using GCCP in an advertisement is an effective way of improving consumer's evaluation of the brand and attitude toward the brand mainly when cosmopolitan consumers and consumers with low knowledge levels are segmented as targets. Originality/value - The study contributes to identify how and for what consumer groups' global brand positioning strategies in TV advertisements affect consumers' brand evaluations and their attitudes toward brands.



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