The Effect of eWOM on Purchase Intention for Korean-brand Cars in Russia: The Mediating Role of Brand Image and Perceived Quality

  • Evgeniy, Yu (Department of Business Administration, Chonnam National University) ;
  • Lee, Kangmun (Department of Business Administration, Chonnam National University) ;
  • Roh, Taewoo (Department of International Trade, Soonchunhyang University)
  • Received : 2019.07.10
  • Accepted : 2019.08.16
  • Published : 2019.08.31


Purpose - This paper tried to identify the impact of electronic word of mouth (eWOM) on purchase intention (PI) of Korean-brand cars in the context of Russian consumers, taking into consideration the credibility, quality, and quantity of eWOM while also considering the mediation effects of brand image (BI) and perceived quality (PQ). Although there is a considerable number of studies discussing the impact of eWOM determinants on PI, not many studies were conducted focusing on the Russian market. Design/methodology - This paper is considered to fill this gap between eWOM and (PI) and, in order to do so, 211 Russian respondents were randomly selected. Descriptive analysis, factor, and reliability analysis were conducted using SPSS version 22.0. While structural equation modeling was conducted using AMOS version 24.0. Findings - The results display that, in terms of Russian consumers' perception, eWOM credibility, quality, and quantity for Korean-brand cars show a substantial impact on PI. The mediation effects of brand image, as well as perceived quality, were also supported by analysis. In the final part of the paper, theoretical and managerial implications alongside limitations with further research suggestions are presented. Originality/value - This study endeavored to explore the degree of impact of eWOM and mediating roles of BI and PQ on Russian customer intentions to buy Korean-brand cars.



This work is an excerpt from the master thesis of Yu Evgeniy and was supported by the Soonchunhyang University Research Fund.


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