Effects of AEO-MRA on the Performance of Exporters and Importers in Korea

  • 투고 : 2019.03.26
  • 심사 : 2019.05.10
  • 발행 : 2019.05.31


Purpose - This study analyzes the effect of the authorized economic operator-mutual recognition arrangement (AEO-MRA) on the performance of Korean exporters and importers. The effect of the import-export companies' characteristics, such as annual sales, the number of foreign markets, and overseas experience, on the AEO-MRA is deduced; the relationship between this effect and firm performance is analyzed. Design/methodology - An empirical research model was constructed and analyzed using structural equation modeling. The effect of AEO-MRA on logistics and operational performance was derived from the aforementioned characteristics as leading factors of the AEO-MRA. The regulatory influence of cooperation with logistics companies was analyzed in the AEO-MRA effect on logistics performance. Thus, 172 valid samples were obtained from import-export companies certified by the AEO-MRA. Findings - Among the aforementioned characteristics, only "annual sales" has a positive effect on the AEO-MRA, whose effect enhances logistics and operational performances. The AEO-MRA effect did not directly affect operational performance. Owing to the adjustment effect analysis, the AEO-MRA effect and logistics performance relationship is strengthened if the cooperative relationship with the logistics company is higher than a certain level. If this cooperation falls below a certain level, the AEO-MRA effect on logistics performance reduces. Thus, logistics cooperation is an important factor in the AEO-MRA effect and logistics performance relationship. Originality/value - Hinging on the resource-based theory and relational viewpoint, an empirical model that explains the relationship between the AEO-MRA effect and firm performance is established.



This work was supported by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Korea and the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF-2016S1A5A2A03928131).


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