Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association (대한정형외과학회지)
- Volume 54 Issue 3
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- Pages.269-275
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- 2019
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- 1226-2102(pISSN)
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- 2005-8918(eISSN)
Treatment of Pyogenic Arthritis of the Knee Using Drainage Tube Insertion in the Posterior Compartment through the Posterior Transeptal Portal after an Arthroscopic Synovectomy
관절경적 활액막 절제술 후 후격막 삽입구를 통한 배액관의 후방 거치를 이용한 무릎의 화농성 관절염 치료
- Kim, Tae Ho (Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Presbyterian Medical Center) ;
- Yu, Chang Eon (Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Presbyterian Medical Center) ;
Shin, Chung Shik
(Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Presbyterian Medical Center)
- Received : 2018.08.06
- Accepted : 2018.10.20
- Published : 2019.06.30
Purpose: This study analyzed the treatment effects of drain insertion in the posteromedial portal after an arthroscopic synovectomy and posterior septum resection for pyogenic arthritis. Materials and Methods: From June 2005 to December 2016, 56 cases (55 patients, 1 case of bilateral knee) were diagnosed with pyogenic arthritis and arthroscopic treatment was performed. Fourteen patients (25.0%) were identified with causative organisms. The average follow-up period was 12.3 months, and the mean age was 67.8 years old. Twenty-four cases were males and 31 cases were females. Kellgrene-Lawrence grade (K-L grade) I was 6 patients, II was 20 patients, III was 11 patients, and IV was 18 patients. Surgery was performed through six portal. The posterior septum was removed and a drainage tube was inserted from the posterior medial side to the posterior side of the joint. The Lysholm score was used after surgery for a functional evaluation. The K-L grade at the time of admission and at the last follow-up were compared for a radiological evaluation. Results: The mean normalization period of the C-reactive protein was 59.8 days (6-164 days). Intravenous antibiotics were used for an average of 37.1 days. The results of the functional evaluation revealed a mean Lysholm score of 64.5 (30-98) in a total of 56 cases. Two reoperations was performed, but the treatment was completed with same method in all patients. The K-L grade was similar at the time of surgery and at the last follow-up (p>0.05). Conclusion: The method of drain insertion in the posteromedial portal after arthroscopic synovectomy and posterior septum resection for pyogenic arthritis is an effective technique that can obtain satisfactory results by inducing proper exudate discharge.
목적: 화농성 슬관절염의 관절경적 활액막 절제 및 후격막 절제 후 후내측 부위에 배액관 삽입 후 치료 효과를 분석하였다. 대상 및 방법: 2005년 6월부터 2016년 12월까지 화농성 관절염으로 진단된 56예(55명, 양측 1예)를 대상으로 하였다. 원인균이 동정된 환자는 14명(25.0%)이었다. 평균 추시 기간은 12.3개월이었고 평균 나이는 67.8세였다. 이 중 남성은 24명, 여성은 31명이었다. Kellgren-Lawrence 등급 I은 6예, II는 20예, III는 11예, IV는 18예였다. 수술방법은 총 6개의 삽입구를 통하여 변연 절제술을 시행하였고 후격막을 절제한 후 배액관을 후내측 삽입구에서 관절내 후외측까지 삽입하여 수술을 마무리하였다. 수술 후 기능적 평가로 Lysholm score를 사용하였고, 방사선학적 평가로 내원 당시와 최종 추시 시의 Kellgren-Lawrence 등급을 비교하였다. 결과: C-반응성 단백의 정상화 기간은 평균 59.8일(6-164일)이었다. 정맥 항생제는 평균 37.1일 동안 사용되었다. 기능평가를 통한 결과에서는 Lysholm score상 평균 64.5점(30-98점)이었다. 총 2예에서 재발하였는데 동일한 방법으로 한 차례 재수술하였으며 모든 환자에서 치료가 완료되었다. 수술 당시와 마지막 추시 시의 Kellgren-Lawrence 등급은 유의한 차이가 없었다(p>0.05). 결론: 화농성 슬관절염에서 관절경적 변연 절제술 후에 부가적으로 후격막을 부분 절제하고 배액관을 후방에 위치시키는 술식은 적절한 삼출물 배출을 유도하여 만족스러운 결과를 얻을 수 있어 고려해 볼만한 치료 방법 중의 하나로 생각된다.