한국의 하천환경 평가를 위한 저서성 대형무척추동물의 과 범주 생물지수 개발

Development of Benthic Macroinvertebrates Family-Level Biotic Index for Biological Assessment on Korean Stream Environment

  • 공동수 (경기대학교 바이오융합학부) ;
  • 민정기 (경기대학교 바이오융합학부) ;
  • 노성유 (국립환경과학원 물환경연구부)
  • Kong, Dongsoo (Department of Bioconvergence, Kyonggi University) ;
  • Min, Jeong-Ki (Department of Bioconvergence, Kyonggi University) ;
  • Noh, Seong-Yoo (Water Environment Research Department, National Institute of Environmental Research)
  • 투고 : 2019.02.15
  • 심사 : 2018.03.28
  • 발행 : 2019.03.30


In this study, a Benthic Macroinvertebrates Family Index (BMFI) was developed using 100 indicator groups (99 families including Chironomidae with 2 phena). Families were assigned a score between 1 and 10 depending on their sensitivity to organic pollution. The BMFI was composed of the sensitivity and relative abundance of the indicator taxa. Sensitivity values of each group were generally similar to Biological Monitoring Working Party (BMWP) scores or Walley, Hawkes, Paisley, Trigg (WHPT) scores of UK, Japanese BMWP scores, and the FBI tolerance values of North America. However, sensitivity values of some taxa were significantly different from those of foreign countries, which seemed to have resulted from discrepancy in species composition, difference of taxonomic classification system, or methodological difference for estimation of sensitivity. As an annual average level, BMFI showed significant correlation with concentration of 5-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) (correlation coefficient r = -0.80, n = 569 sites), total suspended solids (r = -0.68), and total phosphorus (r = -0.79). In addition, BMFI revealed strong correlation with Shannon-Weaver's species diversity (r = 0.85), Margalef's species richness (r = 0.85) and McNaughton's dominance (r = -0.84). Correlation between BMFI and water quality parameters or community indices such as species diversity did not show significant difference compared to that of species-level indices such as BMI (Benthic Macroinvertebrates Index). This means that BMFI is a more useful indicator in terms of easy identification of organisms. BMFI was used to assess the environmental status of 3,017 sites of Stream Ecosystem Survey conducted by the Korean Ministry of Environment between 2016 and 2018. As a result, about half of all sites appeared to be in good condition, and a quarter in poor condition.


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Fig. 1. Relationship between Benthic Macroinvertebrates Family Index (BMFI) and (a) water quality (BOD5, total suspended solids (TSS), and total phosphorus (T-P)) (b) community indices (Shannon-Weaver's species diversity (H'), Margalef's species richness (R), McNaughton's dominance index (DI)).

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Fig. 2. Frequency of environmental status evaluated by BMFI in the 3,017 sites of Stream Ecosystem Survey by Ministry of Environment during 2016 ~ 2018.

Table 1. Scheme of BOD5 concentration according to saprobic series from Kong, Min et al. (2018), Kong, Son et al. (2018)

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Table 2. Sensitivity values according to saprobic values

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Table 3. Scheme of relative abundance (hi) according to rank percentage of individual abundance (Ri)

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Table 4. Community indices used in this study

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Table 5. Comparative analysis on sensitivity values and tolerance values of Benthic Macroinvertebrate Family

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Table 5. Comparative analysis on sensitivity values and tolerance values of Benthic Macroinvertebrate Family (continued)

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Table 5. Comparative analysis on sensitivity values and tolerance values of Benthic Macroinvertebrate Family (continued)

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Table 6. Scheme of BMFI based on criteria of BOD5, TSS and TP concentration

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