국내 최초 Piano Key Weir의 적용사례 - 불갑저수지 사례 소개

  • 장은철 (한국농어촌공사 농어촌연구원) ;
  • 장정렬 (한국농어촌공사 농어촌연구원) ;
  • 이광준 (금광기업주식회사 기술본부) ;
  • 이철욱 (한국농어촌공사 영광지사)
  • 발행 : 2019.04.15




  1. 농업생산기반정비사업계획 설계기준(2002, 농림부)
  2. 댐 설계기준(2005, 한국수자원학회)
  3. 저수지 수문조사 지원사업 조사보고서(농림부, 2004)
  4. 재해대비설계기준개정(2003, 농림부)
  5. 이웅천 (2012) Piano keys Weir에 의한 댐 여수로의 방류 능력 증대, 물과 미래, VOL 45, NO.7, 23-33
  6. 한국농어촌공사 (2018) 불갑저수지 치수능력확대사업 실시설계보고서
  7. Anderson, R. M., & Tullis, B. P. (2011). Piano Key Weir Hydraulics. 31st Annual USSD Conference, (pp. 1697-1707). San Diego.
  8. Deniz karaeren. (2014). Comparson of linear, labyrinth and piano key weirs to increase the discharge capacity of existing spillways for a given head. The degree of the master course thesis of Middle East Technical University.
  9. Lemperiere, F., & Ouamane, A. (2003). The piano keys weir: a new cost-effective solution for spillways. International Journal of Hydropower and Dams, 144-149.
  10. M. Ho Ta Khanh, Truong Chi Hien., & Dinh Sy Quat. (2004 to 2011). Study and construction of PK Weirs in Vietnam. VNCOLD, Hanoi, Vietnam
  11. Paxson, G., Tullis, B. P., & Campbell, D. (2012). Potential Applications for Piano Key Weirs at Dams in the United States. Retrieved from ussdams.com
  12. Ribeiro, M. L., Pfister, M., & Schleiss, A. J. (2013). Overview of Piano Key weir prototypes and scientific model investigations. Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Labyrinth and Piano Key Weirs - PKW (pp. 273-281). Paris: CRC Press