방글라데시의 기상학적 가뭄 변동성 평가

Assessment of the Historical Variability of Meteorological Drought in Bangladesh

  • Kamruzzaman, Mohammad (Dept. of Agricultural Engineering, Gyeongsang National University & Senior Scientific officer, Bangladesh Rice Research Institute) ;
  • Hwang, Syewoon (Dept. of Agricultural Engineering (Institute of Agriculture and Life Science) Gyeongsang National University) ;
  • Cho, Jaepil (Research Department, APEC Climate Center) ;
  • Jang, Min-Won (Dept. of Agricultural Engineering (Institute of Agriculture and Life Science) Gyeongsang National University)
  • 투고 : 2019.04.11
  • 심사 : 2019.05.14
  • 발행 : 2019.05.31


Drought is the recurrent natural disasters which harshly affect agricultural production and society in various parts in Bangladesh. Information on the spatiotemporal variability of drought events plays a vital role to take necessary action towards drought mitigation and sustainable development. This study aims to analyze the spatial and temporal variation of meteorological drought in Bangladesh during 1981-2015 using Effective Drought Index (EDI). Monthly precipitation data for 36 years (1980-2015) were obtained from 27 meteorological stations. Drought frequency (DF) and areal extent of drought were considered to investigate the spatiotemporal structure of drought. The DF analysis showed that the northern, southwestern and central regions of the country are comparatively vulnerable to meteorological drought. The frequency of drought in all categories has considerably increased during the recent five years from 2011 to 2015. Furthermore, the most significant increasing trend of the drought-affected area was found over the central region especially for pre-monsoon (March-May) season during this period while the decreasing trend of the affected area was found within the eastern region during the study period. To prevent and mitigate the damages of drought disasters in Bangladesh, agricultural and government managers should pay more attention to those regional drought events that occur in pre-monsoon season. The outcome of the present study can be used as explanatory data in building the strategies to drought monitoring and mitigation activities in Bangladesh.


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Fig. 1 Location of meteorological stations and regions of the study area in Bangladesh

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Fig. 2 Schematic diagram of drought variability analysis

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Fig. 3 Spatial distribution of the monthly drought frequency

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Fig. 4 Quinquennial spatial distribution of drought frequency: (a) 1981-1985; (b) 1986-1990; (c) 1991-1995; (d) 1996-2000;(e) 2001-2005; (f) 2006-2010; (g) 2010-2015

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Fig. 5 Time series of the areal extent of drought in different months of the central region during 1981-2015

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Fig. 6 Time series of the areal extent of drought in different months of the eastern region during 1981-2015

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Fig. 7 The ranges of monthly drought area averaged over the years for each quinquennial period

Table 1 Mean monthly, annual rainfall of various stations in Bangladesh

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Table 2 Drought classification based on severity (Kim et al., 2009)

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Table 3 Changing rate of monthly drought area in regional scale

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