참여 촉진하기 - 초등학생들의 긍정적 정서 구성을 돕는 과학 전담 교사의 실천적 지식 -

Facilitating Participation - A Science Subject Teacher's Practical Knowledge for Helping Elementary Students' Construction of Positive Emotion -

  • 투고 : 2019.04.22
  • 심사 : 2019.05.20
  • 발행 : 2019.05.31


The purpose of this study is to explore how the practical knowledge used by an elementary school science teacher during learner-centered science instruction can promote elementary students' construction of positive emotion. Using an auto-ethnographic approach over a period of three months, the researchers collected students' interest diaries, post interviews with students, video recordings in science classes, and students' personal diaries and analyzed them by means of the constant comparative method. In this way, the researchers categorized the structure of the practical knowledge held by the teacher and explained how it was applied in learner-centered science instruction to promote students' construction of positive emotion. Three images of an elementary science teacher's practical knowledge emerged and can be categorized under the following headings: 1) 'From science classroom to science $caf{\acute{e}}$', 2) 'Pleasant experiment class for all students and the teacher', and 3) 'A science class for students who were marginalized'. These images were backed up by principles and rules, and the teacher came to embody these images as he implemented these rules. This study also discusses how the impact of a science teacher's practical knowledge on students' construction of positive emotions can be interpreted as promoting positive outcomes rather than negative sanctions, meeting students' expectation from lab activities, and meeting the specific needs of marginalized students in a science class.


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Fig. 1. A student’s personal diary showing positive emotion in a science instruction.

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Fig. 3. Students showing positive emotion during lab activities.

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Fig. 4. A painting of a student who like science (left) and the painting of the student who like fine art (right).

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Fig. 2. The new science classroom like café.

Table 1. A brief description of learner-centered science instruction recorded in video

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Table 2. Interest rating as recorded by students for weeks 1-12

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Table 3. Reasons why students were interested in science classes and the science teacher’s related practical knowledge (image).

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Table 5. The principles and rules related to the image of ‘Pleasant experiment class for all of students and a teacher’

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Table 6. Redesign of the science instruction (‘3. Structure and functions of plants’) for fifth grade students

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Table 7. The principles and rules related to the image of ‘A science class for students who were marginalized’

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Table 4. The principles and rules related to the image of ‘From science class to science café’

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피인용 문헌

  1. 교사의 실천적 지식을 반영한 수학 수업평가 기준 탐색 vol.34, pp.4, 2019,