Fig. 1. The Romey Index of Text Element in Textbooks
Fig. 2. The Romey Index of Data Element in Textbooks
Fig. 3. The Romey Index of Activity Element in Textbooks
Fig. 4. The Romey Index of Evaluation Element in Textbooks
Fig. 5. Comparison of Textbooks with Changes in Curriculum
Table 2. Preliminary Research on Informatics Textbooks
Table 1. Units and Core Concepts of Informatics Subject
Table 3. Application of Romey Analysis for Each Element
Table 4. Availability of Factors for Different Contents onto which Romey Analysis is Applied
Table 5. An Example of Romey Analysis Conducted for Each Sentence in Different Pages
Table 6. The Comparison of Textbook Organization
Table 7. Evaluation Index by Unit for the Text Element
Table 8. Evaluation Index by Unit for the Data Element
Table 9. Evaluation Index by Unit for the Activity Element
Table 10. Evaluation Index by Unit for the Evaluation Element
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