Relationship among Restaurant Owner's SNS Marketing, Trust, Purchase Intention, and Word of Mouth Intention

  • KIM, Hye-Sook (Department of Tourism. Graduate School of Smart Convergence, Kwangwoon University) ;
  • CHOI, Young-Sim (Department of Hotel Culinary Art, Suwon Women's University) ;
  • SHIN, Choung-Seob (Department of Tourism. Graduate School of Smart Convergence, Kwangwoon University)
  • 투고 : 2019.06.10
  • 심사 : 2019.07.05
  • 발행 : 2019.07.30


Purpose - This study analyzes effects of word of mouth intention of restaurant product via SNS on trust of products, purchase intention, and word of mouth intention targeting restaurant customers. Research design, data, and methodology - Targeting restaurant customers, 500 surveys were distributed in restaurants located in Seoul (where restaurants are clustered, such as Myeongdong, Dongdaemoon Station Shopping Center, and Sadangdong) between July 1st, 2016 and July 30th, 2016. Among those, 490 were collected, and 478 were used for analysis excluding those with no answer or insincere answers. Results - SNS word of mouth information characteristics had significant effects on trust of restaurant product in the order of vividness, neutrality, and timing. Trust on restaurant product has significant effect on perceived risks (-) and perceived benefits (+) by SNS. While perceived benefits of restaurant product on SNS has effect on purchase intention, perceived risks of restaurant product on SNS does not affect purchase intention. Perceived benefits of restaurant product on SNS has significant effect on word of mouth intention, whereas perceived risks of restaurant product on SNS does not have significant effect on word of mouth intention. Conclusions - As marketing through SNS can bring about a huge reduction effect in terms of marking cost, it can be utilized as an effective promotion by not only large restaurant corporations, but also small restaurants.


1. Introduction

Development of internet environment can be considered as the most notable change in the 21st century. Internet constitutes an important part of people's daily lives. Thanks to fast delivery of SNS, social network service, speed of information diffusion spreads regardless of time and distance. Social networking websites gather millions of people around the world, numerous information and services are provided through SNS, and they are focused on personal communication and collaboration in context connected to online community.

Especially, word of mouth information through SNS, with its base on website, is customers' own choice of word of mouth regardless of time, place, and distance using number of users and service extendibility. In other words, online word of mouth has greater influence on customer's information research, purchase decision, and formation of corporate image than existing word of mouth (Hwang, 2010; Park, 2014).

With activation of personal website and blogs, customers can not only look for honest review about products, but also have greater opportunity to share information. Marketing through online word of mouth can be deemed as one of the most effective marketing across generations by sharing various types of knowledge and information.

Importance of SNS word of mouth is becoming greater in restaurant industry, and corporations are utilizing active marketing using SNS for formation of intimate relationship and enhancement of satisfaction through direct communication with customers via Twitter, Facebook, and smartphones (Jung, 2016). Especially, as SNS activity of influential users (senders) can make a place popular without special advertisement or promotion, restaurants are getting interested in ripple effect of word of mouth and recognizing SNS as a new marketing channel (Kim & Yoon, 2011).

Details of the current study are suggested as below:

First, this study attempts to research influencing factor of SNS word of mouth information characteristics on trust when customers are using restaurants.

Second, this study attempts to investigate effects of trust of restaurant products on perceived risks negative aspect and perceived benefits positive aspect when customers are using restaurants.

Third, this study attempts to investigate effects of perceived risks and perceived benefits on purchase intension and word of mouth intention when customers are using restaurants.

Based on the above research, this study aims to suggest effective promotion to not only large restaurant corporation, but also restaurant business founders which can be helpful for purchase decision or word of mouth intention by developing trust with customers through SNS word of mouth.

2. Theoretical Background

2.1. Characteristics of SNS Word of Mouth Information

There are preceding researches about characteristics of SNS word of mouth information (Chatterjee, 2001; Dellarocas, 2003; Chevalier & Mayzlin, 2003; HenningThurau & Gianfranco Walsh, 2004; Bickart & Schindler, 2001; Gene Smith, 2007; Shin, Lee, & Cha, 2011; Lee, Kim, & Byun, 2014; Kim & Kim, 2014; Park, 2014; Whang, 2014, Bang & Choi, 2015; Jung, 2016; Kim, Hwang, & Park, 2016; Brian, 2018).

As for characteristics of word of mouth information on SNS about restaurant, Lee, Kim, and Byun (2014) – in their research on married female’s acceptance process of word of mouth information on SNS about restaurant and behavior intention – deemed vividness, consensus, and reliability as key factors of SNS word of mouth message characteristics.

Kim and Kim (2014) categorized word of mouth information characteristics on smartphone restaurant information service into vividness, being up-to-date, consensus, and interactivity, and looked into their relevance with trust. Bang (2015) conducted his research targeting users of restaurant information service on social media, and measured characteristics of word of mouth information by interactivity, consensus, and usefulness trying to uncover their relationship with trust. Kim, Park, and Hwang (2017) classified characteristics of SNS word of mouth information on restaurant product into consensus, vividness, neutrality, and timing, and inspected their relationship with trust, perceived risks, and purchase intention.

Based on aforementioned researches, the current study attempts to measure word of mouth information characteristics – which have great influence on restaurant customer’s trust formation when deciding to purchase restaurant product – by dividing into consensus, vividness, neutrality, and timing.

2.2. Preceding Researches about Trust

Trust in online environment is categorized differently from offline word of mouth as it is hard to identify the source of information. Therefore, understanding of factors which constitute trust in online environment is crucial in managing word of mouth or measuring word of mouth effect.

When exchanging information in online community, trust is essential (Chu & Kim, 2011; Jarbenpaa & Todd, 1997). Purchasing behavior is determined by trust of product information, and the higher the trust is, the higher the possibility of product purchase and word of mouth activity (Elliott, 2002; Teo & Liu, 2007; Chu & Kim, 2011; Jai & Kim, 2011).

Especially, since online products are not tangible, trust on information provider is important (Elliott, 2002). Also, trust acts as a mediation which relieves unstable factor, being online (Han & Lee, 2016). Song (2014) stated that the higher the trust towards restaurant blog, the more perceived benefits of restaurant customers and online word of mouth.

2.3. Preceding Researches on Perceived Risks

As customer's purchase of product of service, or purchase intention essentially is a matter of choice, and those choices are followed by risks. As results of purchase behavior of product or service and purchase decision is rather uncertain, various perceived risks are faced (Taylor, 1974; Laroche, Gorcon, Jasmin, & Zhiyong, 2004).

There are numerous preceding researches on perceived risks in restaurant industry (Jarvenpaa & Todd, 107; Bhatnagar, Bhatnagar, Misra, & Rao, 2000; Smith, 2002; Assael, 2004; Salo & Karjaluoto, 2007; Song, 2014).

Jai and Kim (2011) also suggested a result that higher trust on word of mouth information about restaurant leads to reduced perceived risks of restaurant customers. Kim, Hwang, and Park (2016) researched connection among trust on restaurant product, perceived risks, and purchase intention; and as a result, trust on restaurant product on SNS had significantly negative effect on perceived risks, while perceived risks of restaurant product on SNS did not have significantly negative effect on purchase intention.

2.4. Preceding Researches on Perceived Benefits

Perceived benefits is evaluated by customers about product or service being outstanding or extraordinary, and it means customer's recognition on overall superiority or excellence (Zeithaml, 1988). Peterson (1995) suggested that benefits perceived by customers are perceived result provided by product's or service's trait, with one trait related to various benefits. Kang, Park, and Ko (2017) stated that perceived benefit of online wine word of mouth information had a significantly positive effect on word of mouth effect.

This result is identical to study done by Song (2015). With this result, it implied that if customers perceive positive benefits on online wine information, it leads to customer satisfaction, purchase attitude and behavior, and moreover, purchase intention.

2.5. Preceding Researches on Purchase Intention

Purchase intention is individual's will or conviction shown in future after the formation of customer's attitude towards particular product or service; and it is a determinant which has direct effects in customer's purchasing behavior. This includes revisit, re-purchase, favorable word of mouth, and recommendation (Cho, 2013; Yoon & Yoon, 2013). Aaker (2017) stated that purchase intention suggests customer's future behavior. Engel (1990) said that purchase intention is a subjective possibility of will or conviction converting into conduct.

Park and Lee (2014) claimed that SNS word of mouth's trust and usefulness had significant effect on purchasing influence. Han and Lee (2016) said that trust of restaurant product on SNS had significant effect on both purchase intention and word of mouth intention.

2.6. Preceding Researches on Word of Mouth Intention

Word of mouth intention is an activity of users exchanging their direct or indirect experience, and it is defined as user's favorable attitude toward internet website can act as favorable word of mouth activity to others (Oh & Kim, 2014).

In researches done by Moon (2000) and Lee (2004), there was a positive effect if one was satisfied with service after purchasing a product in online shopping website. According to researches regarding customer behavior on internet shopping website, word of mouth is formed based on customer's perceived emotion and evaluation after purchasing a product or spending, and it is important as it becomes cause of expected performance for next purchase (Lee & Shin, 2014).

As a result of Han, Jung, and Lee (2016)'s analysis on influential relationship among SNS word of mouth characteristics, purchase intention, and word of mouth intention, consensus among SNS word of mouth characteristics had a greater influence than neutrality, and SNS word of mouth characteristics (consensus and neutrality) had a mediating effect between restaurant product benefit (diversity, practical benefit and symbolism or experientiality benefit) and word of mouth intention.

3. Research Design

3.1. Research Model and Research Hypotheses

3.1.1 Research Model

Based on preceding researches, the current study investigated relativeness among SNS word of mouth information characteristics, perceived risks, perceived benefits, purchase intention, and word of mouth intention. Research model is as shown in Figure 1.

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Figure 1: Research Model

3.1.2. Research Hypotheses SNS Word of Mouth Information Characteristics and Trust

According of Park (2011) stated that, among online information characteristics on restaurants, perceived usefulness had significant effect on trust. Also, Park and Lee (2014) claimed that consensus and neutrality, among SNS word of mouth information characteristics, had significant effect on trust. Bang and Choi (2015) presented that consensus and vividness, among characteristics of social media word of mouth information on restaurant, had significant effect on trust.

Based on preceding researches, it can be anticipated that SNS word of mouth information characteristics about restaurant product will have significantly positive effect on trust on restaurant product. Therefore, the following hypotheses were established.

H 1: SNS word of mouth information characteristics about restaurant product will have significantly positive effect on trust.

H 1-1: Consensus, among SNS word of mouth information characteristics about restaurant product, will have significantly positive effect on trust.

H 1-2: Vividness, among SNS word of mouth information characteristics about restaurant product, will have significantly positive effect on trust.

H 1-3: Neutrality, among SNS word of mouth information characteristics about restaurant product, will have significantly positive effect on trust.

H 1-4: Timing, among SNS word of mouth information characteristics about restaurant product, will have significantly positive effect on trust. Trust and Perceived Risks

Trust in internet environment is a mechanism which reduces perceived risks. Positive expectation towards other's behavior reduces possibility of perceived risks and helps maintain transaction with partner (Jarvenpaa & Todd, 1997).

Song (2014) stated that high trust of restaurant review blog results in reduced perceived risks. Kim, Hwang, and Park (2016) said that trust of restaurant product on SNS had significantly negative effect on perceived risks.

Based on preceding researches, it can be anticipated that trust of restaurant product on SNS will have significantly negative effect on perceived risks. Therefore, the following hypothesis was established.

H 2: Trust of restaurant product on SNS will have significantly negative effect on perceived risks. Trust and Perceived Benefits

Customer's perceived benefits, based on trust of online information utilized regardless of time and places, can be said as a factor which has direct effect on another behavior through fast and various experience review (Salo & Karjaluoto, 2007). Jai and Kim (2011) claimed that high trust of restaurant blog enhances restaurant customer's perceived benefits. Also, Song (2014) stated that high trust of restaurant blog leads to increased perceived benefits.

Based on preceding researches, it can be anticipated that trust of restaurant product on SNS will have significantly positive effect on perceived benefits. Therefore, the following hypothesis was established.

H 3: Trust of restaurant product on SNS will have significantly positive effect on perceived benefits. Perceived Risks or Perceived Benefits, and Purchase Intention

Perceived risks in online community has relationship with purchase intention, participation intention, and online word of mouth; and this can be an obstacle to customer's purchase behavior (Bhatnagar et al., 2000; Moon & Lee, 2007).

Bhatnagar et al. (2000), in research regarding online transaction characteristics, said that perceived risks had negative effect on purchase intention. Kang, Park, and Ko (2017) said that perceived benefits of online wine word of mouth information had significantly positive effect on word of mouth effect.

Based on preceding researches, perceived risks and perceived benefits of restaurant product on SNS will have significant effect on purchase intention. Therefore, the following hypotheses were established.

H 4: Perceived risks of restaurant product on SNS will have significantly negative effect on purchase intention.

H 5: Perceived benefits of restaurant product on SNS will have significantly positive effect on purchase intention. Perceived Risks or Perceived Benefits and Word of Mouth Intention

Perceived risks in online community has relationship with purchase intention, participation intention, and online word of mouth; and this can be an obstacle to customer's purchase behavior (Bhatnagar et al., 2000; Moon & Lee, 2007). In other words, customers tend to minimize risks when deciding purchase intention (Jai & Kim, 2011).

Bhatnagar (2000), in his research on characteristics of online transaction, claimed that perceived risks had negative effect on purchase intention. According to Kang, Park, and Ko (2017), perceived benefits on online wine word of mouth information, leads to significantly positive effect on word of mouth effects.

Based on preceding researches, perceived risks and perceived benefits of restaurant product on SNS will have significant effect on word of mouth intention. Therefore, the following hypotheses were established.

H 6: Perceived risks of restaurant product on SNS will have significantly negative effect on word of mouth intention.

H 7: Perceived benefits of restaurant product on SNS will have significantly positive effect on word of mouth intention.

3.2. Constructive Definition of Variables and Method of Analysis

3.2.1. Constructive Definition of Variables Constructive Definition of SNS Word of Mouth Information Characteristics

In this study, SNS word of mouth information characteristics were estimated by categorizing into consensus, vividness, neutrality, and timing.

Consensus was defined as the extent to which majority of customers in SNS suggest similar or same opinion to that of word of mouth information. Based on studies done by Elliott (2002), Chiou and Cheng (2003), Lee and Lee (2005), Park (2014), and Jung (2016), it was measured with 3 categories based on Likert 7-point scale after revision and supplementation necessary for the current study.

Vividness was defined as the extent to which word of mouth information from SNS can be felt vividly as if it was an actual experience. Based on studies done by Coyle and Thorson (2001), Chiou and Cheng (2003), Park (2011), and Park (2014), it was measured with 2 categories based on Likert 7-point scale after revision and supplementation necessary for the current study.

Neutrality was defined as the extent to which word of mouth information from SNS stays neutral without swaying into positivity or negativity. Based on studies done by Elliott (2002), Park (2009), Park (2014), and Jung (2016), it was measured with 3 categories based on Likert 7-point scale after revision and supplementation necessary for the current study.

Timing was defined as the extent to which documentation and renewal of information is done promptly and in timely manner. Based on studies done by Taylor and Todd (1995) and Park (2011), it was measured with 2 categories based on Likert 7-point scale after revision and supplementation necessary for the current study. Constructive Definition of Trust

In this study, trust was defined as the trust toward restaurant product through SNS word of mouth information. Based on studies done by Suh (2010), Lim and Cho (2011), and Han and Lee (2016), it was measured with 2 categories based on Likert 7-point scale after revision and supplementation necessary for the current study. Constructive Definition of Perceived Risks

In the current study, perceived risks were defined as uncertainty or anxiety in steps from exploring restaurant information or restaurant product information through SNS word of mouth information to deciding to purchase. Based on studies done by Salo and Karjaluoto (2007) and Je and Kim (2011), it was measured with 3 categories based on Likert 7-point scale after revision and supplementation necessary for the current study. Constructive Definition of Perceived Benefits

In this study, perceived benefits were defined as customer's service usage discount, saving exploitation time, provision of swift service, convenience, and efficiency of decision making in steps from researching restaurant or its product information through SNS word of mouth information to deciding to purchase. Based on studies done by Johnson and Kaye (2004), Kaye (2007), and Jai and Kim (2011), it was measured with 3 categories based on Likert 7-point scale after revision and supplementation necessary for the current study. Constructive Definition of Purchase Intention

In this study, purchase intention was defined as intention to purchase a restaurant product through SNS word of mouth information. Based on studies done by Park (2013), Park and Lee (2014), and Jung (2016), it was measured with 4 categories based on Likert 7-point scale after revision and supplementation necessary for the current study. Constructive Definition of Word of Mouth Intention

In this study, word of mouth intention was defined as act of user's favorable word of mouth activity exchange of SNS word of mouth information for user's direct or indirect experience to recipients. Based on studies done by Kwon (2013) and Kim and Kim (2010), it was measured with 4 categories based on Likert 7-point scale after revision and supplementation necessary for the current study.

3.2.2. Sample Design and Method of Data Analysis Sample Design and Method of Data Collection

In order to achieve the current study's goal, survey of the current study was reconstructed based on results of pre-researches.

The current research was conducted for approximately 1 month, from July 1 to July 30 of 2016, in neighborhoods in Seoul with clustered restaurant – such as Myeongdong, Dongdaemoon Station Shopping Center, and Sadangdong – targeting restaurant customers who had learned about restaurant information through SNS. 500 surveys was distributed, and among those, 490 were returned. 478 valid surveys were used in analysis excluding those with no answer or insincere answers. Composition of Survey and Method of Data Analysis

Variables used in the current study and composition of survey is as shown in Table 1.

Table 1: Composition of Survey

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As methods of data analysis used in this study, there are frequency analysis, descriptive statistic analysis, exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, and structure equation modeling analysis.

4. Result of Analysis

4.1. Demographics of the Sample

Demographics of the current study's sample is as shown in Table 2.

Table 2: Demographics of the Sample

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4.2. Analysis of Reliability and Validity of Measurement

To verify validity, the current study utilized exploratory factor analysis. As for factor analysis, principle component analysis was used, and number of factors was determined based on preceding researches. Among orthogonal rotation, varimax rotation was used.

4.2.1. Exploratory Factor Analysis and Reliability Analysis of SNS Word of Mouth Information Characteristics

The result of exploratory factor analysis and reliability analysis of SMS word of mouth information characteristics is as shown in Table 3.

Table 3: Validity and Reliability Analysis of SNS Word of Mouth Information Characteristics

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KMO value of SNS word of mouth information characteristics was 0.840, and as a result of Bartlett's sphericity test, it turned out that 2 = 2599.053, p = .000 which means that all of the categories were suitable for factor analysis.KMO value of SNS word of mouth information characteristics was 0.840, and as a result of Bartlett's sphericity test, it turned out that 2 = 2599.053, p = .000 which means that all of the categories were suitable for factor analysis.

For the result of exploratory factor analysis of SNS word of mouth information, which is multi-dimensional, total variance explanation power was 81.531%. Also, 4 factors were deduced, and each was named F1: consensus, F2: Neutrality, F3: Timing, and F4: Vividness. As a result of reliability verification, Cronbach's constant was higher than 0.8 for each factor, which indicates high reliability.

4.2.2. Exploratory Factor Analysis and Reliability Analysis for Trust, Perceived Risks, and Perceived Benefits

The result of exploratory factor analysis and reliability analysis of trust, perceived risks, and perceived benefits is as shown in Table 4.

Table 4: Validity and Reliability Analysis of Trust, Perceived Risks, and Perceived Benefits

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KMO values of SNS trust, perceived risks, and perceived benefits were 0.500, 0.708, and 0.726 respectively and as a result of Bartlett's sphericity test, it turned out that trust had values of 2 = 227.441, p = .000, perceived risks had values of 2 = 543.058, p = .000, and perceived benefits had values of 2 = 619.994, p = .000 which means that all of the categories were suitable for factor analysis.

For the result of exploratory factor analysis of trust, perceived risks and perceived benefits, which are single-dimensional, total variance explanation power were 80.829%, 74.335% and 76.950% respectively, which were higher than 70%. Therefore, one-dimensionality was secured thereby verifying validity. As a result of reliability verification, Cronbach's constant of each factor was higher than 0.7, which indicates high reliability.

4.2.3. Exploratory Factor Analysis and Reliability Analysis for Purchase Intention and Word of Mouth Intention

The result of exploratory factor analysis and reliability analysis of purchase intention and word of mouth intention is as shown in Table 5.

Table 5: Validity and Reliability Analysis of Purchase Intention and Word of Mouth Intention

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KMO values of SNS purchase intention and word of mouth intention were 0.754 and 0.743 respectively and as a result of Bartlett's sphericity test, it turned out that purchase intention had values of 2 = 989.045, p = .000 and word of mouth intention had values of 2 = 925.265, p = .000 which means that all of the categories were suitable for factor analysis.

For the result of exploratory factor analysis of purchase intention and word of mouth intention, which are single-dimensional, total variance explanation power were 85.107% and 83.776% respectively, which were higher than 80%. Therefore, one-dimensionality was secured thereby verifying validity. As a result of reliability verification, Cronbach's constant of each factor was higher than 0.9, which indicates high reliability.

4.3. Analysis Result of Measurement Model

For the analysis for measurement model in structural equation model analysis, confirmatory factor analysis was performed using AMOS 20.0.

As a result of confirmatory analysis, it was shown that 2= 407.667(p = .000), GFI = .932, AGFI = .906, RMR = .059, NFI = .944, CFI = .973. Therefore, measurement model's goodness of fit was 2 = 407.667(p = .000) which was satisfactory even through p was not greater than .05. As a result, measurement model is suitable.

According to Table 6, the highest correlation between variables was that of purchase intention ? word of mouth intention with its correlation coefficient of .746 which leads to (.746) 2 = .557. AVE of purchase intention was .699 (>.557) and AVE of word of mouth intention as .656 (>.557), and since the two AVE value is greater than square of correlation coefficient, there is validity.

Table 6: Result of Correlation Analysis among Constructs

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* p < .05, ** p < .01, ***p < .001

Below the diagonal is correlation coefficient, and above the diagonal is squared value

4.4. Result of Hypothesis Verification

In order to analyze research model based on hypotheses, structural equation model analysis was performed using AMOS 20.0.

As a result of analysis, it was shown that 2 = 591.898 (p = .000), GFI = .901, AGFI = .874, RMSE A = .059, NFI = .919, CFI = .949. Therefore, measurement model's goodness of fit was 2 = 591.898(p = .000) which was satisfactory even through p was not greater than .05. As a result, measurement model is suitable.

The result of hypothesis testing of the current study's research model is as shown in Figure 2.

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Figure 2: Result of Hypotheses Testing

4.1.1. Result of Hypothesis 1 Testing

Looking into analysis of hypothesis 1, among SNS word of mouth information characteristics, vividness (= .344), neutrality (= .260), and timing (= .177) respectively had significant effect on trust of restaurant product. However, consensus did not have significant effect on trust of restaurant product. Therefore, Hypothesis 1 was partially accepted.

4.4.2. Result of Hypothesis 2 and Hypothesis 3 Testing

According to the analysis result of Hypothesis 2 and Hypothesis 3, trust of restaurant product (= -.131) had significantly negative effect on perceived risks of restaurant product on SNS, while trust of restaurant product (= .711) had significantly positive effect on perceived benefits of restaurant product on SNS. As a result, Hypothesis 2 and Hypothesis 3 were accepted.

4.3.3. Result of Hypothesis 4 and Hypothesis 5 Testing

According to the analysis result of Hypothesis 4 and Hypothesis 5, perceived benefits of restaurant product on SNS (= .770) had significantly positive effect on purchase intention, while perceived risks of restaurant product on SNS (= -.043) did not have significant effect on purchase intention. As a result, Hypothesis 4 was rejected, and Hypothesis 5 was accepted.

4.4.4. Result of Hypothesis 6 and Hypothesis 7 Testing

According to the analysis result of Hypothesis 6 and Hypothesis 7, perceived benefits of restaurant product on SNS (= .726) had significantly positive effect on word of mouth intention, while perceived risks of restaurant product on SNS (= -.004) did not have significant effect on word of mouth intention. Therefore Hypothesis 6 was rejected, and Hypothesis 7 was accepted.

Table 7: Summarized Results of Hypotheses Testing

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*p < .05, **p < .01, ***p < .001

5. Results

5.1. Summary of Research Results and Implications

The current study aims to investigate effects of word of mouth information characteristics of restaurant product using SNS on trust of restaurant products. Also, it investigated if trust of restaurant product formed through SNS word of mouth has significant effect on perceived benefits and perceived risks. It attempted to study on influence on purchase intention and word of mouth intention.

The analysis result of the current study's hypotheses test and implications are as follows.

5.1.1. Theoretical Implications

First, among SNS word of mouth intention characteristics, vividness, neutrality, and timing had significant effect on trust on restaurant products. On the other hand, consensus did not have significant effect on trust on restaurant products. This result has difference from study done by Park (2014) in which consensus and neutrality had significant effect on trust, while vividness did not have significant effect on trust. The current study is also different from that of Park (2011)'s in which vividness and timing had significant effect on trust, while consensus did not have significant effect on trust.

Second, trust of restaurant product had significantly negative effect on perceived risks of restaurant product on SNS, while trust of restaurant product had significantly positive effect on perceived benefits of restaurant product on SNS. This result is identical to researches done by Jai and Kim (2011) and Song (2014) on correlation among restaurant blog, trust of restaurant blog, perceived benefits, and perceived risks.

Third, perceived benefits of restaurant product on SNS had significantly positive effect on purchase intention, while perceived risks of restaurant product on SNS did not have significant effect on purchase intention. This analysis result is different from study done by Jai and Kim (2011) in which perceived risks of restaurant blog had significantly negative effect on purchase intention and perceived benefits had significantly positive effect on purchase intention.

Fourth, perceived benefits of restaurant product on SNS had significantly positive effect on word of mouth intention, while perceived risks of restaurant product on SNS did not have significant effect on word of mouth intention. This result is identical to study done by Song (2014) in which greater perceived benefits of restaurant blog lead to increased online word of mouth, while perceived risks did not have significant effect on online word of mouth intention.

5.1.2. Practical Implications

First, among SNS word of mouth information characteristics of restaurant product, vividness, neutrality, and timing respectively had significantly positive effect on trust, while consensus did not have significantly positive effect on trust. This result indicates that restaurant product's word of mouth on SNS delivers realistic and detailed information as if readers have been to the restaurant in person themselves.

Second, trust towards restaurant product on SNS had significantly negative effect on perceived risks, while having significantly positive effect on perceived benefits. Word of mouth information from restaurant corporation or professional bloggers can over-emphasize positive sides, thereby giving customers risks of getting unsavory food or being over charged. Therefore, restaurants should comply with their promise with customers on food quality and service so that restaurant customers can build trust with SNS word of mouth information.

Third, perceived risks of restaurant product on SNS did not have significantly negative effect on purchase intention, while perceived benefits had significantly positive effect on purchase intention. In other words, when restaurant customers are purchasing restaurant product through SNS word of mouth information, it does not necessarily mean that they decide to purchase a certain product due to perceived risks such as unsavory food or unfavorable service compared to expectation. On the other hand, marketer should provide accurate and useful word of mouth information so that customers would feel more convenient and save time in using restaurants since higher perceived benefits of SNS word of mouth information on restaurant product leads to higher purchase intention.

Especially, by looking into both positive side perceived benefits and negative side perceived risks of SNS word of mouth information, the current study establishes framework to evaluate SNS word of mouth information realistically and objectively.

5.2. Limitations of the Current Study and Future Tasks

Limitations and future tasks for future studies suggested from the current study is as follows. First, the current study was conducted on SNS word of mouth targeting only restaurant customers, but future studies can be done by subdividing restaurant into franchise restaurants and individual-owned restaurants and comparing them to establish more suitable and detailed marketing strategy.

Second, this research was done only in Seoul region, therefore it is hard to generalize its results. As a result, future studies can be done by enlarging its region nation-widely.

Third, due to broadened customers using SNS, SNS usage rate of silver generation, post-retirement generation, has been heightened, emerging as the main-target group of restaurant customers. Therefore, in future studies, extended research, focusing on silver generation, can contribute to new market through SNS word of mouth activity.


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