Key Determinants of Repurchase Intention toward Organic Cosmetics

  • 투고 : 2019.04.25
  • 심사 : 2019.07.01
  • 발행 : 2019.08.30


This paper aims to discover factors and their influences degree to repurchase organic cosmetic in Vietnam. In addition, this research also discloses the main segments that have high demand re-buying intention based on demographic groups of gender, age, income, educational level, job, type of products, and place of production. Twenty-eight scale was designed based on previous studies and adjusted to match the 5-point Likert scale to conduct measurement. By using survey method to test hypotheses and set up conceptual models to collect 295 Vietnamese consumers who have experience in consuming organic cosmetic by explain the results through Smart PLS software. The findings show that there is positive attitude of customers to the intention of acquiring organic cosmetics, green perceived and customer satisfaction. In addition, customer satisfaction, knowledge of products, safety values, and environmental protection consciousness also play important roles to form a positive attitude of customers for products. Moreover, the consciousness of green living of consumers accounts for a high proportion in creating customer satisfaction for organic products. The results show useful information for current premises to determine the factors that influence the decision to repurchase organic cosmetic product, that provide business strategies.



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