Data Empowered Insights for Sustainability of Korean MNEs

  • PARK, Young-Eun (Management Department, College of Business Administration, Prince Sultan University)
  • 투고 : 2019.06.06
  • 심사 : 2019.07.13
  • 발행 : 2019.08.30


This study aims to utilize big data contents of news and social media for developing a corporate strategy of multinational enterprises and their global decision-making through the data mining technique, especially text mining. In this paper, the data of 2 news media (BBC and CNN) and 2 social media (Facebook and Twitter) were collected for the three global leading Korean companies (Samsung, Hyundai Motor Company, and LG) from April, 2018 to April, 2019. The findings of this paper have shown that traditional news media and also modern social media have become devastating tools to extract global trends or phenomena for businesses. Moreover, this presents that a company can adopt a two-track strategy through two different types of media by deriving the key issues or trends from news media channels and also grasping consumers' sentiments, preference or issues of interest such as battery or design from social media. In addition, analyzing the texts of those media and understanding the association rules greatly contribute to the comparison between two different types of media channels to see the difference. Lastly, this provides meaningful and valuable data empowered insights to find a future direction comprehensively and develop a global strategy for sustainability of business.



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