가구 특성에 따른 김치 소비량 차이에 관한 연구

A Study on the Differences of Kimchi Consumption according to Household Characteristics

  • 투고 : 2019.04.03
  • 심사 : 2019.04.22
  • 발행 : 2019.04.30


The purpose of this study is to provide basic information to improve understanding of contemporary kimchi culture in Korea. Many Koreans are now purchasing kimchi at markets, while the proportion of self-preparation is gradually decreasing. This commodification tendency of kimchi is considered to be associated with changes in consumer's behavior and attitude. In this study, a linear regression and a logistic regression model were used to identify relationships between kimchi consumption behavior and household characteristics. The results showed that the probability of kimjang activity was positively related with family size, possession of a kimchi refrigerator, self-preparation practice, and the intensity of sharing behavior. I also found that kimchi consumption volume per capita of 'purchasing' household was greater than that of 'self-preparing ' or 'sharing-dependent' households, and that the number of family members was inversely related with kimchi consumption volume per capita. The inverse relationship between family size and kimchi consumption volume per capita is considered to be contrary to the widespread thoughts in Korea, which have been developed while experiencing kimchi preparation and consumption in traditional extended families. I think that the relationship comes from differences in menu varieties, which appear to vary with family size. This issue will be investigated in subsequent studies.


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Structure of kimchi consumption in Korea estimated from survey data Source: 2017 Trend of Kimchi Industry. Note: In this figure, columns represent places of consumption and rows represent methods of acquiring kimchi. And the parenthesized percentages in the lowest line indicate the proportion of commodity kimchi at each place of consumption, i.e. sectoral commodification ratio.

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Predictive margins of kj18y2 (kimjang activity) over mtdy (principal method of acquiring kimchi) at various values of ratiobs (share of the sliced in baechu kimchi consumption) with 95% confidence intervals Note: Probabilities of kimjang incident of all household groups were slightly decreasing with increasing share of sliced baechu kimchi, and the probability of self-preparing group is enormously greater than the other groups.

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Predictive margins of kj18y2 (kimjang activity) over mtdy (principal method of acquiring kimchi) at various values of tcon (kimchi consumption per capita) with 95% confidence intervals Note: Probabilities of kimjang incident of all groups were slightly increasing with the increasing kimchi consumption volume per capita.

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Predictive margins of tcon (kimchi consumption per capita) over mtdy (principal method of acquiring kimchi) at each category of fsizex (number of family members) with 95% confidence intervals Note: Kimchi consumption volume per capita is decreasing with the increase of family size, and the volume of purchasing group is greater than the other groups.

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Predictive margins of tcon (kimchi consumption per capita) over kj18y2 (kimjang activity) at each category of mtdy (principal method of acquiring kimchi) with 95% confidence intervals Note: Kimchi consumption volume per capita of purchasing group is greater than the other groups as showed in
, and kimjang activities of all household groups are positively related with kimchi consumption volume. In this figure, consumption volume of self-preparing group is smaller than that of sharing-dependent group. It is seemingly contradictory to the relationship suggested in
, but it could happen because the predictions were executed at the mean values of other variables (Long & Freese 2014).

Summary statistics of variables used in estimation

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Overview of sampled households

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Results of estimation of linear and logistic regression model

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Trend of kimchi consumption in Korea

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