Fig. 1 The comparison of data processing flow for lane departure warning a) existing method, b) proposed method
Fig. 2 Overview of the line detection algorithm[6]
Fig. 3 Determination of vehicle’s position between two lines a) center b) leaning to left c) leaning to right [6]
Fig. 4 The overall structure of the proposed method
Fig. 5 Examples of Training Data. a) Normal driving data, b) Lane departure data
Fig. 6 Annotation of driving data without top-view transformation a) on a straight lane and b) on a curved lane
Fig. 7 Annotation of driving data with top-view transformation a) on a straight lane and b) on a curved lane
Fig. 8 The proposed CNN architecture.
Fig. 9 The validation accuracy in relation to the different number of epoches
Fig. 10 Sample images of experimental results
Table 1 The number of frames in the dataset for training CNN and validation
Table 2 The result of a comparative experiment with a dataset consisting of highway driving images
Table 3 The result of a comparative experiment with a dataset consisting of street driving images
Table 4 The total result of experiments
Table 5 Average processing time per frame
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