Latency Hiding based Warp Scheduling Policy for High Performance GPUs

  • Kim, Gwang Bok (School of Electronics and Computer Engineering, Chonnam National University) ;
  • Kim, Jong Myon (IT Convergence Department, University of Ulsan) ;
  • Kim, Cheol Hong (School of Electronics and Computer Engineering, Chonnam National University)
  • Received : 2019.01.22
  • Accepted : 2019.04.11
  • Published : 2019.04.30


LRR(Loose Round Robin) warp scheduling policy for GPU architecture results in high warp-level parallelism and balanced loads across multiple warps. However, traditional LRR policy makes multiple warps execute long latency operations at the same time. In cases that no more warps to be issued under long latency, the throughput of GPUs may be degraded significantly. In this paper, we propose a new warp scheduling policy which utilizes latency hiding, leading to more utilized memory resources in high performance GPUs. The proposed warp scheduler prioritizes memory instruction based on GTO(Greedy Then Oldest) policy in order to provide reduced memory stalls. When no warps can execute memory instruction any more, the warp scheduler selects a warp for computation instruction by round robin manner. Furthermore, our proposed technique achieves high performance by using additional information about recently committed warps. According to our experimental results, our proposed technique improves GPU performance by 12.7% and 5.6% over LRR and GTO on average, respectively.


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Fig. 1. Microarchitecture of SM

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Fig. 2. Warp Level Parallelism

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Fig. 3. Warp Scheduling Policy Comparison

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Fig. 4. Microarchitecture of Proposed Unit

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Fig. 5. L1 Data Cache Miss Rate

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Fig. 8. IPC Comparison with Different Warp Scheduling Policy

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Fig. 6. Reservation Fails on L1 Data Cache

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Fig. 7. Stall Cycles

Table 1. Baseline Configurations

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Table 2. Benchmarks

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