A Study on Analysis of Malicious Code Behavior Information for Predicting Security Threats in New Environments

  • Choi, Seul-Ki (ISAA Lab., Department of Computer Engineering, Ajou University) ;
  • Lee, Taejin (Department of Computer Engineering, Hoseo University) ;
  • Kwak, Jin (Department of Cyber Security, Ajou University)
  • 투고 : 2018.10.02
  • 심사 : 2019.02.28
  • 발행 : 2019.03.31


The emergence of new technologies and devices brings a new environment in the field of cyber security. It is not easy to predict possible security threats about new environment every time without special criteria. In other words, most malicious codes often reuse malicious code that has occurred in the past, such as bypassing detection from anti-virus or including additional functions. Therefore, we are predicting the security threats that can arise in a new environment based on the history of repeated malicious code. In this paper, we classify and define not only the internal information obtained from malicious code analysis but also the features that occur during infection and attack. We propose a method to predict and manage security threats in new environment by continuously managing and extending.


1. Introduction

 The development of ICT technology is changing our lives. Especially, due to the advanced technology of IoT (Internet of Things), which is a technology in which all the objects around are connected with each other through networks, various services and various types of ICT environments are emerging [1][2]. ICT technology has come to coexist near us in residential, work and living spaces such as Smart home, smart factory, and smart city environments [3][4]. In addition, ICT technology is being applied to transportation that has a big impact on our lives, such as the next-generation intelligent transportation system called C-ITS (Cooperative-Intelligent Transport System) [5].

 However, the development of ICT does not always bring us the benefit. Malicious code is evolving as fast as the development of ICT technologies. According to the report released in McAfee lab in September 2018, the total number of malicious codes is about 80 million in Q2 of 2018[6]. In particular, mobile malware that infects and spreads through mobile devices accounts for about 27 million cases [6].

 As such, the development of ICT technology and the evolution of malicious code are closely related. In particular, devices and ICT technologies that are popular around the world are being used as a good infection route and attack target for malicious code. Especially, the rapid improvements of smartphone technology have resulted in the evolution of mobile botnets [7]. The most representative case is the Mirai Botnet incident in October 2016 [8]. In case of ransomware, it is designed to encrypt system user's files and documents, but it can do more than that depending on which family of ransomwares it belongs to [9]. Recently, ransomware which locks the screen of a smartphone instead of file encryption is also emerging.

 Through this, we have found that malicious code is scalable to adapt quickly to various environments and it is using success cases in existing environment. At the time when various malicious apps appeared for smartphones, there were some malicious apps with DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack function, but they did not achieve great results. However, IoT devices have emerged to replace smartphones and IoT devices have received worldwide attention. Like the Mirai Botnet described above, DDoS attacks using IoT devices reappeared and achieved great results. We analyze the evolution of these malicious codes and try to predict how malicious codes will appear in the new environment.

 Therefore, in this paper, we propose a method to predict security threats that can occur in new environment based on malicious behavior information that can be acquired through malicious code analysis.

 The contents of this paper are as follows. Chapter 2 presents threat statistical related to malicious code. Chapter 3 presents structure of malicious code behavior information and its sections and subsections. Chapter 4 presents predicting security threats in new environments method. The last chapter presents the conclusion and describes future research.

2. Related Work

2.1 Threats Statistics

 As ICT technology evolves, malicious code is also becoming more intelligent and automated, posing a significant threat to users of ICT technologies. Recently, malicious codes are getting out of the level of taking information of users. It also implemented a large number of DDoS attacks using a large number of zombie devices by inserting automation functions into malicious code. In addition, a variety of new malicious codes are being generated, including Ransomware, which encrypts important data for individuals and corporate storage and devices and requires money. As a result, malicious codes are changed into various forms and malicious codes of variants are being generated.

 In September of 2018, McAfee Labs provides McAfee Labs Threats Reports to provide insights into recent security threats [6]. Fig. 1 shows the statistics of total malware that occurred until 2018 Q2.


Fig. 1. Overall development of total malware

 The total malware shown in the above statistics includes new malware and variant malware. The statistics of new malware are shown in Fig. 2 below.


Fig. 2. Overall development of new malware

 Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 show that the ratio of new malware among total malware does not exceed 10%. As a result, we can see that the ratio of variant malware that reuse known malicious codes is higher than new malware.

 In addition, the report also shows that mobile malware targeting mobile devices is steadily increasing. Also, Android lockscreen malware with Ransomware has also been growing rapidly since 2017[6].

 Therefore, we analyze the fact that most malicious codes are reusing already generated malicious codes, and that there are many malicious codes in the environment (mobile, IoT, etc.) that can be called the latest trend.

3. Malicious Code Behavior Information

3.1 Definition

 In this paper, Malicious Code Behavior Information refers to information such as infection route, attack target and attack behavior that can be obtained by analyzing malicious code. That is, it refers to all information related to malicious activity as well as internal information contained in malicious code. It is used to predict security threats that can occur in new environment by classifying them in detail. In this paper, MCBI refers to Malicious Code Behavior Information.

3.2 Structure of MCBI

 The MCBI can be divided into an Infection & Propagation section and an attack section. First, the Infection and propagation section consists of the information that appears when malicious code infects an attacking target. The Attack section is also made up of information related to the attack target, executor and attack behavior of malicious code. Table 1 below shows the subsection of each main section of MCBI.

Table 1. Subsection of MCBI


3.3 Infection & Propagation Section

 All malicious codes use various paths to infect attack targets. There are also various types of malicious codes, such as downloading itself directly when the malicious code reaches an attack target or exploiting vulnerabilities of the system. User involvement may or may not be needed in the process of infecting and propagating malicious code. Therefore, this section classifies and defines the features that occur when malicious code propagates and infects. The section consists of infection & propagation route, infection type and user dependency subsection.

3.3.1 Infection & Propagation Route

 Infection & propagation route classifies devices or services used as route of malicious code infection. This part can be added to new devices or services in consideration of the rapidly changing and evolving ICT environment, and can be deleted or included in other parts.

Table 2. Contents of infection & propagation route


3.3.2 Infection & Propagation Type

 Infection & propagation type subsection classifies the features used by malicious code to succeed in infecting and propagating to attack target.

Table 3. Contents of infection & propagation type


3.3.3 User Dependency

 User dependency subsection defines whether or not the system user intervention is necessary for malicious code to infect and propagate the attack target.

Table 4. Contents of user dependency


3.4 Attack Section

 Malicious code has a specific or unspecified attack target, and after it reaches the attack target, it executes itself through any entities. In addition, when the malicious code is executed, malicious code performs ultimate aim. There are a variety of types that can be used to accomplish the end goal themselves, or to be used as a method for secondary infection and propagation, etc.

 Therefore, the Attack section classifies and defines malicious code attack targets, malicious code executors, and attacking behavior. The section consists of attack target, executor and attack behavior.

3.4.1 Attack Target

 The attack target subsection classifies and defines the target that malicious code wants to cause an attack.

Table 5. Contents of attack target


3.4.2 Executor

 The Executor subsection classifies and defines entities that actually execute malicious code.

Table 6. Contents of Executor


3.4.3 Attack behavior

 Malicious code performs malicious behavior as it can be understood by its name. In attack behavior subsection, malicious code classifies and defines entities that are mainly used to perform malicious actions.

Table 7. Contents of attack behavior


3.5 MCBI Example

 In this section, MCBI for representative malicious code is shown to help understanding of MCBI structure generation. Table 8 below shows the MCBI for the Mirai botnet code. Through the following results, contents information corresponding to Mirai botnet code can be utilized as tag information for type and grouping of malicious codes.

Table 8. MCBI example for Mirai botnet code


4. Predicting Security Threats in New Environments

4.1 MCBI Management

 The MCBI proposed in this paper is a structure that can be continuously expanded and developed. In order to predict security threats in a new environment, such as the emergence of new ICT devices or new ICT technology, MCBI structure should be continuously developed through MCBI analysis for various malicious codes. Therefore, this section describes the process for continuous management of MCBI.


Fig. 3. MCBI management process

 The process shown in Fig. 3 shows a mixture of regular operation process and event conditions with feedback and extension.

 • Regular operation process

 Step 1. Collect malicious code from various media and services.

 Step 2. Perform MCBI analysis. (Phase 1 and Phase 2 are performed in sequence)

 Step 3. Perform malicious code grouping and tagging based on the analysis result.

 Regular operation process is aimed at gathering data on the recent behavior of malicious code by continuing to collect malicious code as possible and perform MCBI analysis. After analyzing the malicious code for MCBI, group similar malicious codes using MBCI contents.

 • Feedback process

 The feedback process is performed when it is difficult to define and classify a specific malicious code with the current MCBI structure. It is performed when a completely different type of malicious activity occurs although the ICT environment has not changed.

 • Extension process

 The process of extending the MCBI structure when a new technology or device emerged is called an extension process. New contents can be added to the infection & propagation route subsection when a new technology or device appears. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the process of expanding the MCBI structure.

4.2 Predicting Security Threats Process

 Most of the security threats in the new environment are being reused from malicious code that has already occurred. Therefore, it is possible to predict the security threats that may occur in the new environment by performing the extension process of the MCBI structure proposed in this paper. When a new technology or device emerged with a new environment in the security ecosystem, the extension process of MCBI structure is performed through the following process and we predict security threats.


Fig. 4. Predicting security threats process

 As shown in Fig. 4, the process of predicting possible security threats in a new environment consists of 4 steps.

 • New environment

 Initiate the MCBI's extension process to realize the emergence of new technologies or devices and to predict potential security threats in the upcoming new environment.

 • Feature analysis

 As a step of analyzing features for a new technology or device it analyzes not only computing ability, network function, storage function, but also connectivity with other media and data type that can be newly created and managed.

 • Comparison with MCBI

 This is the stage of comparing and analyzing with MCBI based on the analysis result of feature analysis step. If an entirely new technology or device emerges, new content can be added to the MCBI during this process. This process expands the MCBI to accommodate new environments.

 • Search and analysis malicious code

 The analysis of MCBI for new technologies and devices and malicious codes that have related MCBI tags are searched. Based on MCBI information of searched malicious codes, security threats that can occur in new environment are derived.

5. Conclusion & Future Research

 Malicious code is evolving in line with the pace of ICT technology development. There may be some difficulties in predicting all possible security threats in a new environment that will be met by the emergence of new technologies and devices without special criteria. Malicious code that causes most security threats is evolving into a form that applies security threats that already existed in existing environments to new environments rather than entirely new forms. Therefore, in this paper, we classify and define not only internal information of malicious code that can be acquired from malicious code samples but also malicious behavior information such as infection process and attack process of malicious code. We refer to this information as Malicious Code Behavior Information (MCBI) and we propose a method to predict security threats in a new environment by continuously managing it and defining an extension process to apply it to new environment. We believe that it can help to predict and respond to repeated malicious code attacks in a rapidly changing ICT environment.

 In the future, we will continue to manage and extend the MCBI information to predict the security threats to new technologies and devices. We also plan to provide effective and continuous operation of these processes.


 This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) grant funded by the Korea government(MSIT) (No. NRF-2017R1E1A1A01075110).


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