Estimating the WTP of Smart Tourism Experience for Economic Persistence of Smart Tourism Using a Contingent Valuation Method

스마트관광의 경제적 지속성을 위한 스마트관광 체험의 지불가치 추정: CVM을 이용하여

  • 정희정 (경희대학교 일반대학원 호텔경영학과) ;
  • 구철모 (경희대학교 호텔관광대학 컨벤션경영학과) ;
  • 정남호 (경희대학교 호텔관광대학 호텔경영학과)
  • Received : 2019.02.12
  • Accepted : 2019.02.26
  • Published : 2019.03.31


Numerous city problems have arisen in some tourist cities as tourists enter the city beyond the limits of its capacity. As an alternative to this problem, the discussion of smart tourism cities has led many cities to pursue urban planning with the aim of transforming them into smart tourism cities. Therefore, the present study attempted to discuss the city self-reliance that smart tourism cities need to solve a number of problems and grow as a happy city, both residents and tourists, who are the ultimate goal in the long-term goals. More specifically, this study aims to provide basic data for the economic growth of cities that are most fundamental in city's self-reliance by assessing the economic value of smart tourism. To achieve this research purpose, the economic value of smart tourism was estimated using the Contingent Valuation Method (CVM), and the results showed that each person is willing to pay 220,709 won. This is about 10,000 won higher than the 211,163 won announced by the National Travel Survey in 2017, which is estimated to be of higher economic value when recognized as smart tourism. On the basis of these results, this study provided basic policy data in promoting smart tourism cities as well as expanding understanding of smart tourism.



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