Paracontact Metric (k, 𝜇)-spaces Satisfying Certain Curvature Conditions

  • 투고 : 2016.11.07
  • 심사 : 2018.06.08
  • 발행 : 2019.03.23


The object of this paper is to classify paracontact metric ($k,{\mu}$)-spaces satisfying certain curvature conditions. We show that a paracontact metric ($k,{\mu}$)-space is Ricci semisymmetric if and only if the metric is Einstein, provided k < -1. Also we prove that a paracontact metric ($k,{\mu}$)-space is ${\phi}$-Ricci symmetric if and only if the metric is Einstein, provided $k{\neq}0$, -1. Moreover, we show that in a paracontact metric ($k,{\mu}$)-space with k < -1, a second order symmetric parallel tensor is a constant multiple of the associated metric tensor. Several consequences of these results are discussed.



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