Free-view Pixels of Elemental Image Rearrangement Technique (FPERT)

  • Lee, Jaehoon (Department of Computer Science and Electronics, Kyushu Institute of Technology) ;
  • Cho, Myungjin (Department of Electrical, Electronics, and Control Engineering, IITC, Hankyong University) ;
  • Inoue, Kotaro (Department of Electrical, Electronics, and Control Engineering, IITC, Hankyong University) ;
  • Tashiro, Masaharu (Department of Computer Science and Electronics, Kyushu Institute of Technology) ;
  • Lee, Min-Chul (Department of Computer Science and Electronics, Kyushu Institute of Technology)
  • 투고 : 2018.11.01
  • 심사 : 2019.02.06
  • 발행 : 2019.03.31


In this paper, we propose a new free-view three-dimensional (3D) computational reconstruction of integral imaging to improve the visual quality of reconstructed 3D images when low-resolution elemental images are used. In a conventional free-view reconstruction, the visual quality of the reconstructed 3D images is insufficient to provide 3D information to applications because of the shift and sum process. In addition, its processing speed is slow. To solve these problems, our proposed method uses a pixel rearrangement technique (PERT) with locally selective elemental images. In general, PERT can reconstruct 3D images with a high visual quality at a fast processing speed. However, PERT cannot provide a free-view reconstruction. Therefore, using our proposed method, free-view reconstructed 3D images with high visual qualities can be generated when low-resolution elemental images are used. To show the feasibility of our proposed method, we applied it to optical experiments.


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Fig. 1. Basic concept of integral imaging.

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Fig. 2. Concept of VCR.

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Fig. 3. Concept of PERT.

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Fig. 4. Arrangement of x-axis pixels of PERT.

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Fig. 5. Arrangement of x-axis pixels of FPERT.

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Fig. 6. Experiment setup.

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Fig. 7. Elemental images.

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Fig. 8. FPERT results: (a) upper-left-side view, (b) upper-right-side view, (c)lower-side-view, and (d) lower-right-side view.

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Fig. 9. VCR and FPERT results using 2 × 2 elemental images: (a) image reconstructed using a VCR, (b) enlarged VCR result, (c) reconstructed image using FPERT, and (d) enlarged FPERT result.

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Fig. 10. Resulting images using VCR and FPERT: (a) resulting image (using 3 × 3 elemental images) from VCR, (b) enlarged resulting image using VCR, (c) resulting image from FPERT, and (d) enlarged resulting image using FPERT.

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Fig. 11. Results of VCR and FPERT using 3 × 3 elemental images: (a) reference image with high resolution, (b) result using VCR, and (c) result using FPERT.

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Fig. 12. Results of (a) PSNR, (b) SSIM, and (c) correlation peak.


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