Teaching and Learning Conceptions and Teacher Efficacy of Korean Preservice Teachers

  • Received : 2019.01.15
  • Accepted : 2019.02.28
  • Published : 2019.03.30


This study aims to examine changes in teaching and learning conceptions and sense of efficacy as well as relationships between them. Data were collected from 121 Korean preservice teachers before and after a 4-week teaching practicum. The results indicated that constructivist conceptions of teaching and learning increased over the practicum period and teacher efficacy shifted as well. In addition, correlations among the constructs were strengthened over the practicum period. Interestingly, constructivist conceptions related to differentiated education were not significant, while traditional conceptions related to teacher-guided lessons were significant after the practicum. These results imply that Korean preservice teachers still place value on the traditional perspective, even though constructivism dominates the current educational policies of Korea.


Table 1. Fit indices for the instruments

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Table 2. Alpha coefficients of the scales

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Table 3. Item and scale means (N = 121)

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Table 4. Repeated sample t-test for the paired difference

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Table 5. Correlations among subscales

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