Regional differences in winter activity of hibernating greater horseshoe bats (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum) from Korea

  • Kim, Sun-Sook (Division of Basic Research, National Institute of Ecology) ;
  • Choi, Yu-Seong (Animal Resources Division, National Institute of Biological Resources) ;
  • Yoo, Jeong-Chil (Department of Biology, Kyung Hee University)
  • Received : 2018.11.05
  • Accepted : 2018.12.06
  • Published : 2019.03.31


Background: Hibernating bats exhibit ubiquitous winter activity in temperate zones, but there is considerable between- and within-species variety in their intensity and purpose. Bats may fly during winter for sustenance or travel to other hibernacula. This study compared inter-regional variation in the winter activity of the greater horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum). We predicted that weather and hibernacula-environmental conditions would influence winter activity patterns. Results: Winter activity patterns differed between regions. In the Anseong area, we confirmed movement inside the hibernaculum, but in Hampyeong, we observed movement both inside and between hibernacula. The two regions differ by $4^{\circ}C$ in average winter temperatures. Anseong experiences 22 days during which average daily temperatures exceeded $5^{\circ}C$, whereas Hampyeong experienced 50 such days. During the hibernating period, bat body weight decreased by approximately 17-20% in both regions. Conclusions: Ambient temperatures and winter-roost environments appear to be behind regional differences in hibernating bat activity. As winter temperatures in Korea do not favor insect activity, feeding probability is low for bats. However, bats may need to access water. At Anseong, underground water flows inside the hibernaculum when the reservoir outside is frozen. At Hampyeong, the hibernaculum does not contain a water source, but the reservoir outside does not freeze during winter. In conclusion, water-source location is the most likely explanation for regional variation in the winter activity of hibernating bats.



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  1. Body size of Italian greater horseshoe bats (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum) increased over one century and a half: a response to climate change? vol.101, pp.6, 2019,