국방 지상무인체계의 핵심기술과 미래 신기술 특성 비교 연구

A Comparative Study on the Characteristics of the Core Technology and Future New Technology of the Ground Unmanned System

  • 투고 : 20181131
  • 심사 : 2019.03.08
  • 발행 : 2019.03.31


세계 주요 선진국들은 4차 산업혁명의 흐름에 따라 국가연구개발 투자의 지속적인 확대와 성과 창출을 통해 국가과학기술 역량을 향상시키고 있다. 기술 융 복합화에 따른 급속한 기술발달로 인해 새로운 패러다임에 대한 선제적 대응이 필요하게 되면서, 국가 경쟁력에 영향을 미치는 첨단 과학기술의 확보의 중요성은 나날이 커지고 있다. 기존 주력산업의 고도화 및 신 산업의 성장 동력화 추진과 국가 경쟁력을 좌우할 핵심기술과 미래 신기술은 국가 혁신역량 고도화를 위한 하나의 척도라 할 수 있다. 특히, 안보환경 변화와 향후 미래전장에 대비하기 위한 핵심기술과 미래 신기술은 무기체계를 개발하는 국방 분야에서 매우 중요하다. 국방 분야에서는 군 소요 무기체계에 근거한 핵심기술들을 식별 도출해내고 있으며, 소요에 기반하지 않고 민간의 우수기술을 국방에 활용하는 창의 도전적인 미래 신기술 발굴에 힘을 쏟고 있다. 본 연구에서는 국방 지상무인체계의 핵심기술과 미래 신기술에 대한 특성을 알아보고 실증적인 분석을 통해 비교연구를 진행하여, 핵심기술과 미래 신기술 특성에 따른 전략적 기술기획과 연구개발이 필요하다는 결론을 도출하였다.

The world's leading industrialized nations are improving their national science and technology capacity through the continuous expansion of national R&D investment and the improvement of performance in accordance with the trend of the fourth industrial revolution. As rapid technological development following technological convergence necessitates a preemptive response to a new paradigm, the importance of securing high technology that affects the national competitiveness is increasing day by day. Core technologies and future new technologies that affect national competitiveness can be seen as a measure to upgrade the nation's innovative capabilities. In particular, the core technologies and future new technologies to prepare for changes in a security environment and future battlefields are very important in the defense sector that develops weapons systems. In the defense sector, the core technologies based on the military weapons systems are identified, and future new technologies that use the best technologies of the private sector for national defense, not on the needs of develops weapons systems, are derived. This study examined the characteristics of core technology and future new technology of defense ground unmanned systems, conducted a comparative study through empirical analysis, and concluded that strategic technology planning and research and development are needed according to the core technology and future new technology characteristics.


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Fig. 1. Correlation Between Tech. Level and Other Evaluation Index(Core Technology)

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Fig. 2. Correlation Between Tech. Level and Other Evaluation Index(Future New Technology)

Table 1. The Score and Rank of Tech. Level for Ground Unmanned by Country

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Table 2. Ground Unmanned Experts Statistics for Core Technology & Future New Technologies

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Table 3. Evaluation Criteria

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Table 4. The Score of Technical Field for Core Technology and Future New Technology

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Table 5. Results of Logistic Regression(Core Technology and Future New Technology)

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  2. J.E. Kye, "Trends and Acquisition Strategies on Defense Unmanned Robot Core Technology", 2014 DOI:
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