Figure 2. Fuel oil sulfur limits.
Figure 1. SOx emission control areas.
Figure 3. Schematic of counterflow scrubber.
Figure 4. Schematic of cyclone scrubber.
Figure 5. Notation of scrubber.
Figure 6. Boundary conditions.
Figure 7. Comparison of CFD data and experimental data [19].
Figure 8. Comparison of CFD data and experimental data [12].
Figure 9. Results plane of counterflow scrubber.
Figure 10. Results plane of cyclone scrubber.
Figure 11. Results line of counterflow scrubber.
Figure 12. Results line of cyclone scrubber.
Figure 13. Velocity distribution of counterflow scrubber.
Figure 14. Gas streamlines of counterflow scrubber.
Figure 15. Velocity distribution of cyclone scrubber.
Figure 16. Gas streamlines of cyclone scrubber.
Figure 17. Gas velocity distribution of counterflow scrubber.
Figure 18. Droplet velocity distribution of counterflow scrubber.
Figure 19. SO2 mass fraction distribution of counterflow scrubber.
Figure 21. Droplet velocity distribution of cyclone scrubber.
Figure 20. Gas velocity distribution of cyclone scrubber.
Figure 22. SO2 mass fraction distribution of cyclone scrubber.
Figure 23. Gas velocity distribution of counterflow scrubber.
Figure 25. Temperature distribution of counterflow scrubber.
Figure 27. Droplet velocity distribution of cyclone scrubber.
Figure 24. Droplet velocity distribution of counterflow scrubber.
Figure 26. Gas velocity distribution of cyclone scrubber.
Figure 28. Temperature distribution of cyclone scrubber.
Table 1. Wet scrubber principal dimensions by engine power
Table 2. Fuel oil sulphur limits recorded and corresponding emissions values
Table 3. Some literature using computational fluid dynamics
Table 4. Comparison of desulfurization efficiency of each scrubber
Table 5. Comparison of interphase mass transfer rate of each scrubber
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