Big data-based piping material analysis framework in offshore structure for contract design

  • Oh, Min-Jae (Research Institute of Marine Systems Engineering, Seoul National University) ;
  • Roh, Myung-Il (Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, and Research Institute of Marine Systems Engineering, Seoul National University) ;
  • Park, Sung-Woo (Interdisciplinary Program in Offshore Plant Engineering, Seoul National University) ;
  • Chun, Do-Hyun (Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, Seoul National University) ;
  • Myung, Sehyun (School of Automotive & Mechanical Design Engineering, Youngsan University)
  • Received : 2018.12.10
  • Accepted : 2019.01.24
  • Published : 2019.03.25


The material analysis of an offshore structure is generally conducted in the contract design phase for the price quotation of a new offshore project. This analysis is conducted manually by an engineer, which is time-consuming and can lead to inaccurate results, because the data size from previous projects is too large, and there are so many materials to consider. In this study, the piping materials in an offshore structure are analyzed for contract design using a big data framework. The big data technologies used include HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System) for data saving, Hive and HBase for the database to handle the saved data, Spark and Kylin for data processing, and Zeppelin for user interface and visualization. The analyzed results show that the proposed big data framework can reduce the efforts put toward contract design in the estimation of the piping material cost.



Supported by : NIPA (National IT Industry Promotion Agency), Seoul National University


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