Brain Stimulation of Elderly with Dementia Using Virtual Reality Home

  • Park, Sung-jun (Division of Computer and Information Engineering, Hoseo University)
  • 투고 : 2019.06.11
  • 심사 : 2019.08.20
  • 발행 : 2019.08.31


The virtual reality (VR) is an immerging technology used in the serious games industry to treat psychological disorders like dementia. We created a system named as Virtual Reality Home (VRH) for the elderly who lived with Alzheimer's disease (or other form of dementia) and cognitive impairment using virtual reality technology. The purpose of our study is to measure the long-time immersion and retention of VRH on the moods and apathy, enhancement in physical and brain stimulation as well as a decision making with peoples of dementia and explore the experience of aged care home staff's member. The VRH shows a positive impact on the elderly participants and staff members. During the VRH experience, excitement and a great level of alertness were observed among the participants but few of them were feeling anxiety. Furthermore, we observed the improvement in physical, memory and brain stimulation, but the participants have a low focus on decision making because they wanted to explore all interactable objects in the VRH. This study suggests that the VR may have the potential to improve the quality of life, and these results can assist to expand the future development in the enhancement of efficiency of people with dementia.



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