라만 분광법을 활용한 마모 중 DLC 코팅의 구조적 변화 조사

Investigation of Structural Change of DLC Coating during Frictional Wear by Raman Spectroscopy

  • 김송희 (강원대학교 나노응용공학과) ;
  • 장재철 (서울대학교 재료공학부)
  • Kim, Song-Hee (Department of Nano Applied Engineering, Kangwon National University) ;
  • Jang, Jae Cheol (School of Materials Science and Engineering, Seoul National University)
  • 투고 : 2018.12.11
  • 심사 : 2019.01.16
  • 발행 : 2019.02.28


The structural change of DLC coatings during long-term wear test and dicing test under the low loading condition was investigated. DLC coatings were applied for the precision injection molds of a modified SNCM steel for the extension of life and the micro-diamond blades for the high cutting efficiency and the increase in life. A ball-on-disc wear tests in the mold steel and a dicing tests in the micro-diamond blades were conducted to understand degradation of DLC coatings. The degradation of DLC coatings for the injection mold steel and the micro-diamond blades during the wear and dicing tests were studied with Raman Spectroscopy. Raman peaks were divided two bands(D band and G band) to study the degradation process of DLC structure. By the wear test, polished condition of wear marks were observed to be maintained until 10 hrs of wear test period is given, but small striation marks appeared in 20 hours wear test. It was observed that $I_D/I_G$ ratios changed as the degradation of DLC coatings is proceeded during the wear tests and the dicing tests. It is suggested that the change in $I_D/I_G$ value possibly reflected from the composition of $sp^2$ and $sp^3$ bondings in DLC layers relevant to the change in mechanical and physical property.


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Fig. 1. SEM Micrograph of a DLC coated on (a)SNCM steel and (b)micro-blade.

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Fig. 2. Method for dividing raman spectra into D and G band.

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Fig. 3. SEM images of wear track after wear test. (a) As-deposited, (b) Tested for 2hrs, (c) Tested for 10hrs, (d) Tested for 20hrs.

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Fig. 4. SEM micrographs of DLC coated microdiamond blade depicting after removal of 25,000 mm3 BK7 glass from dicing test: (a) the outset of microblades (b)the side planes of micro-blades

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Fig. 5. Change in raman peak(ID, IG) with different wear time:(a) As-deposited, (b) 10 min, (c) 1 hour, (d) 2 hours, (e) 10 hours, (f) 20 hours

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Fig. 6. Change in ID/IG value as a function of wear time.

Table 1. Chemical composition of SNCM steel. [wt.%]

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Table 2. Results of raman analysis for different test type and variation.

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