The Stomach's Communication with Its Related Acupoints, and the "Intelligent Tissue" Hypothesis

  • 투고 : 2018.12.12
  • 심사 : 2019.01.15
  • 발행 : 2019.02.28


Background: The intelligent tissue hypothesis holds that an organ's states (be it normal function or stressed states) are reflected in real time at its related acupuncture points (acupoints), causing physical, real-time changes in the local tissue. The experiment was devised to test this. Methods: The patient drank chilled water while the impedance at 6 stomach-related acupoints was monitored in real time (sample rate of 1 kHz). Any changes in the local tissue at the acupoints ought to be reflected in changes in the impedance. Results: The impedance at every test acupoint showed a response to the chilled water being ingested. Also, the duodenal pacesetter and the stomach's slow waves were clearly visible in the impedance pattern at all the acupoints. Conclusion: Hence, many separate details of the stomach's function were reflected at these acupoints. The duodenal features were consistent with the traditional indications for these acupoints, which are noted to be able to treat intestinal conditions. Therefore, the results were consistent with the hypothesis and also provided a possible explanation for how the use of these acupoints is able to treat intestinal conditions.



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