지역 이해당사자 참여 생태계서비스 간이평가

Rapid Assessment of Ecosystem Services Apply to Local Stakeholders

  • 김벼리 (국립생태원 생태연구본구 생태기반연구실) ;
  • 이재혁 (국립생태원 생태연구본부 융합연구실) ;
  • 김일권 (국립생태원 생태연구본부 융합연구실) ;
  • 김성훈 (국립생태원 생태연구본부 융합연구실) ;
  • 권혁수 (국립생태원 생태연구본부 융합연구실)
  • 투고 : 2018.10.30
  • 심사 : 2019.02.14
  • 발행 : 2019.02.28


This study suggested that various stakeholder can be participated in regional Environment planning and practical use of policy with rapid assessment of Ecosystem Services(ES). We applied to the rapid assessment of ES method to Ansan city and local registers selected Ecosystem assets that considered to space of ES. Ecosystem assets were measured 5 types Likert scale about 37 indicators of ES and confirm the main ES through the basic statistics. Furthermore Ecosystem assets classified according to similar character of ES. Ecosystem assets of Ansan were selected 47 site and Local climate regulation, Research and education, Primary production was high among the ES indicators. As a result two main group deduced that ecological education group(such as Research and education, Habitat) and safety regulation group(such as Air regulation, Fire regulation) through the factor analysis. In terms of location characteristics of each group, the ecological education-centered ecosystem assets were located near the downtown area, while the safety regulation group was located at the outskirts, such as mountains and coasts. This indicates that the ecological education about the habitat provision can be achieved in Ansan city downtown area and that outskirts should be approached from the aspect of ecological function to establish a plan. The result of Rapid assessment of ES, which can be lead a balanced and developmental consultation when establishing polices for environment planning and management in region.


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Figure 1. Process of Ecosystem assets research and analysis

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Figure 2. Relative score of 37 ecosystem services indicators from Ansan ecosystem assets(n=47)

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Figure 3. Variability in delivery of Ecosystem services (Abbreviation: Fresh water:FW, Food:FD, Fuel:FU, Fiber:FI, Genetic resources:GR, matural medicines:MM, Ornamental resources:OR, Aggregate:AG, Waste disposal:WD, Energy harvesting (natural air and water flows):EH, Air quality regulation:AQ, Climate regulation-local:CRL, Climate regulation-globa:CRG, Water regulation:WR, Flood hazard regulation:FH, Storm hazard regulation:SH, Pest regulation:PR, Disease:DI, Disease Mediation:DM, Erosion regualtion:ER, Water purification:WP, Pollination:PL, Salinity regulation:SR, Fire regulation:FR, Noise and visual buffering:NV, Cultural heritage:CH, Recreation and tourism:RT, Aesthetic value:AS, Spiritual and religious value:SR, Inspirational value:IN, Social relations:SC, Educational and research:ED, Soil formation:SF, Primary production:PP, Nutrient cycling:NC, Water recycling:WC, Provision of habitat:HB)

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Figure 4. Distribution of Ansan Ecosystem assets by two main factor

Table 1. Result of component analysis from Ansan Ecosystem assets

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Table 2. Second Ecosystem assets factor Group of Ansan (Safety regulation)

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Table 3. First Ecosystem assets factor Group of Ansan (Ecological education)

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Table 4. List of Ecosystem asset by factor group

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피인용 문헌

  1. 습지보호지역을 대상으로 한 문화서비스 평가 연구 vol.22, pp.6, 2019,