농업가뭄의 수문기상학적 특성 및 공간적 분포에 관한 연구

Hydrometeorological Characteristics and The Spatial Distribution of Agricultural Droughts

  • Jang, Jung seok (Rural Research Institute, Korea Rural Community Corporation)
  • 투고 : 2019.02.26
  • 심사 : 2019.03.15
  • 발행 : 2019.03.31


For 159 administrative areas, SPI(Standardized Precipitation Index), ARDI(Agricultural Reservoir Drought Index) and ARDIs(Agricultural Reservoir Drought Index Simulated) were developed and applied to analyze the characteristics of agricultural drought index and agricultural droughts. In order to identify hydrometeorological characteristics of agricultural droughts, SPI, ARDI and ARDIs were calculated nationwide, and the applicability was compared and examined. SPI and ARDI showed significant differences in time and depth of drought in both spatial and temporal. ARDI and ARDIs showed similar tendency of change, and ARDIs were considered to be more representative of agricultural drought characteristics. The results of this study suggest that agricultural drought is a problem to be solved in the medium and long term rather than short term due to various forms of development, complexity of development, and difficulty in forecasting. Therefore, it is concluded that a preliminary and systematic approach is needed in consideration of meteorological, hydrological and hydrometeorological characteristics rather than a fragmentary approach, and that an agricultural drought index is needed to quantitatively evaluate agricultural drought.


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Fig. 1 Percentage compared with normal year

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Fig. 2 Annual average precipitation(in order 2007, 2008, 2015, 2016)

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Fig. 3 Drought-affected areas(2015)

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Fig. 4 Drought-affected areas(2016)

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Fig. 5 SPI6, ARDI6, ARDIs6 comparison

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Fig. 6 Cluster analysis results

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Fig. 7 Temporal and spatial changes of drought index(2015)

Table 1 Average annual precipitation and measured storage rate by region(Drought year)

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Table 2 Ratio of Precipitation and Storage Rate to the normal year(Drought year)

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Table 3 Monthly average precipitation and storage rate(Drought year)

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Table 4 Normal annual precipitation and water storage rate overload(Drought year)

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Table 5 The number of incidences below the severity of drought index

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