달리기 속도 증가에 따른 성별 CoP (Center of Pressure)의 복잡성 패턴

Complexity Pattern of Center of Pressure between Genders via Increasing Running Speed

  • Ryu, Jiseon (Department of Health and Exercise Science, Korea National Sport University)
  • 투고 : 2019.10.10
  • 심사 : 2019.10.30
  • 발행 : 2019.12.31


Objective: The goal of this study was to determine the center of pressure (CoP) complexity pattern in approximate entropy technique between genders at different conditions of running speed. Background: It is conducted to evaluate the complexity pattern of CoP in the increment of running speed to have insights to injury prediction, stability, and auxiliary aids for the foot. Method: Twenty men (age=22.3±1.5 yrs.; height=176.4±5.4 cm; body weight=73.9±8.2 kg) and Twenty women (age=20.8±1.2 yrs.; height=162.8±5.2 cm; body weight=55.0±6.3 kg) with heel strike pattern were recruited for the study. While they were running at 2.22, 3.33, 4.44 m/s speed on a treadmill (instrumented dual belt treadmills, USA) with a force plate, CoP data were collected for the 10 strides. The complexity pattern of the CoP was analyzed using the ApEn technique. Results: The ApEn of the medial-lateral and antero-posterior CoP in the increment of running speed showed significantly difference within genders (p<.05), but there were not statistically significant between genders at all conditions of running speed. Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, CoP complexity pattern in the increment of running speed was limited to be characterized between genders as an indicator to judge the potential injury and stability. Application: In future studies, it is needed to investigate the cause of change for complexity of CoP at various running speed related to this study.



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