Women, Feminism, and Confucianism in Vietnam in the Early 20th Century

  • Lan, Cao Kim (Institute of Literature, Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences (VASS))
  • Received : 2018.04.10
  • Accepted : 2018.12.15
  • Published : 2019.01.31


The early years of the twentieth century introduced Vietnam, then a French colony, to feminism, which helped expose the problem of suicide among women, prostitution, and the trafficking. This article surveyed writings in three influential newspapers published for and by women, namely, "Phụ Nữ Tân Văn" (PNTV) (Woman's Newspaper) 1929-1934,"Phụ nữ Thời Đàm" (PNTĐ) (Women's Discussions on Topical Questions) 1930-1934, and "Đàn Bà"(ĐB) (Women) 1939-1945. The writings were analyzed to illustrate how feminism was perpetrated in this period, and how the writers were able to reconcile it with prevalent Confucianism, which this paper also argued as having put in place, gender inequality.



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