Fig. 1. Development process of process-focused assessment of unit ‘(10) Action of Electricity’ in 2009 revised curriculum.
Fig. 2. Progression of pre-test and post-test on the scientific communication skill and concept acquisition of the process-focused assessment.
Fig. 3. A schematic diagram of science lessons and process-focused assessments on ‘What happens to compass needles around current-carrying wires?’.
Fig. 4. An example of process-focused assessment to develop ‘Explanation’ skills in scientific communication skills.
Fig. 5. An example of process-focused assessment to develop ‘Ground’ skills in scientific communication skills.
Fig. 7. An example of process-focused assessment to develop ‘Figure’ skills in scientific communication skills.
Fig. 6. An example of process-focused assessment to develop ‘Letter’ skills in scientific communication skills.
Table 1. Science concepts of unit ‘(10) Action of Electricity’ in 2009 revised curriculum
Table 2. Test of scientific communication skills (Jeon, 2013)
Table 3. Types and forms of scientific communication skills
Table 4. Subjects of science textbook in unit ‘(10) Action of Electricity’ based on 2009 revised curriculum achievement standards
Table 5. Teaching-learning models and process-focused assessment lists based on main learning concepts and activities of unit ‘(10) Action of Electricity’
Table 6. Types and forms of scientific communication skills related to contents of process-focused assessment
Table 6. Continued
Table 7. The result of comparison between test types and types of scientific communication skills in t-test
Table 8. The result of comparison between test types and forms of scientific communication skills in t-test
Table 9. The result of comparison between pre-test and pro-test in science concept acquisition based on test types in t-test
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Cited by
- 2015개정 과학과 선택과목 수업 및 평가에 대한 교사들의 인식 탐색 vol.41, pp.3, 2019,