Fig. 1. Comparison of peak resolutions between DB-5MS (top, 100 µg/kg) and DB-1701 (bottom, 75 µg/kg) columns. Peak resolution was increased by using the DB-1701 column.
Fig. 2. Formation of dichloroacetic acid (DCAA) and trichloroacetic acid (TCAA) in fresh-cut vegetables following disinfection with NaClO (100 mg/L Cl2) for 5 min.
Fig. 3. Calibration curves for determination of dichloroacetic acid (DCAA; left) and trichloroaceetic acid (TCAA; right).
Table 1. Operating conditions of gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer
Table 2. Method detection limits (MDL), limits of quantitation(LOQ), repeatability (relative standard deviation; RSD), and recovery for dichloroacetic acid (DCAA) and trichloroaceticacid (TCAA)
Table 3. Ingredient contents and concentrations of dichloroacetic acid (DCAA) and trichloroacetic acid (TCAA) in retail packagedready-to-eat salads
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