Learners' Perceptions and Experiences of Using e-Textbooks in Online Learning Environment

  • Received : 2019.09.05
  • Accepted : 2019.10.13
  • Published : 2019.10.31


This study explored middle and high school students' learning experiences using e-textbooks in online learning courses. Data were collected from in-depth interviews. The interviewees for this study were 19 students who enrolled voluntarily in an online mathematics and science inquiry program, actively participated in the online learning. The students generally have high academic achievement and motivation for learning in science and mathematics. Data were analyzed based on a grounded theory approach. As a result, the characteristics of the online learning environment using e-textbooks were conceptualized via three different categories including temporal, spatial, and technical. Such characteristics of the learning environment were able to provoke self-directed learning, extended learning, interactive learning, in-depth learning, improved ICT literacy, and formation of positive emotions and learning habits. Most of the learners showed positive feedback towards the use of e-textbooks, while some mentioned the technical limitations compared to conventional paper-based learning. This study suggested that e-textbooks are likely to induce positive experiences for learners in the context of online learning, so it is necessary to design contents that utilize various functions and advantages of electronic teaching materials in order to use e-textbooks effectively.



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