순차 컨벡스 프로그래밍을 이용한 충돌각 제어 비행궤적 최적화

Trajectory Optimization for Impact Angle Control based on Sequential Convex Programming

  • 투고 : 2018.11.30
  • 심사 : 2018.12.22
  • 발행 : 2019.01.01


Due to the various engagement situations, it is very difficult to generate the optimal trajectory with several constraints. This paper investigates the sequential convex programming for the impact angle control with the additional constraint of altitude limit. Recently, the SOCP(Second-Order Cone Programming), which is one area of the convex optimization, is widely used to solve variable optimal problems because it is robust to initial values, and resolves problems quickly and reliably. The trajectory optimization problem is reconstructed as convex optimization problem using appropriate linearization and discretization. Finally, simulation results are compared with analytic result and nonlinear optimization result for verification.


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그림 1 충돌각 제어를 위한 유도탄 비행궤적 Fig. 1 Missile trajectory for impact angle control

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그림 2 고도 제한에 따른 충돌각 제어 비행궤적 Fig. 2 Missile trajectory for impact angle control with altitude limit

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그림 3 속도, 경로각, 받음각에 대한 초기 및 최종 결과 Fig. 3 Initial and final results for velocity, flight path angle and angle-of-attack

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그림 4 고도 제한에 따른 충돌각 제어 비행궤적 Fig. 4 Missile trajectory for impact angle control with altitude limit

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그림 5 해석적/수치적 방법에 따른 최적 비행궤적 비교 Fig. 5 Comparison of optimal trajectory with analytic & numerical methods

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그림 6 수치적 방법에 따른 최적 비행궤적 비교 Fig. 6 Comparison of optimal trajectory with numerical methods

표 1 유도탄 사양 및 초기조건 Table 1 Missile Specification & Initial Conditions

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표 2 고도 제한에 따른 최소에너지 변화 Table 2 Minimum Energy Variation for Altitude Limits

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표 3 최적화 방법에 따른 최소에너지 변화 Table 3 Minimum energy variation for optimization methods

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표 4 최적화 방법에 따른 계산시간 변화 Table 4 Calculation time variation for optimization methods

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