SPI와 EDI 가뭄지수의 방글라데시 기상가뭄 평가 적용성 비교

Comparative Evaluation of Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) and Effective Drought Index (EDI) for Meteorological Drought Detection over Bangladesh

  • Kamruzzaman, M. (Dept. of Agricultural Engineering, Institute of Agriculture and Life Science, Gyeongsang National University) ;
  • Cho, Jaepil (Research Department, APEC Climate Center) ;
  • Jang, Min-Won (Dept. of Agricultural Engineering, Institute of Agriculture and Life Science, Gyeongsang National University) ;
  • Hwang, Syewoon (Dept. of Agricultural Engineering, Institute of Agriculture and Life Science, Gyeongsang National University)
  • 투고 : 2018.09.27
  • 심사 : 2019.01.08
  • 발행 : 2019.01.31


A good number of drought indices have been introduced and applied in different regions for monitoring drought conditions, but some of those are region-specific and have limitations for use under other climatic conditions because of the inherently complex characteristics of drought phenomenon. Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) indices are widely used all over the world, including Bangladesh. Although newly developed, studies have demonstrated The Effective Drought Index (EDI) to perform better compared to SPIs in some areas. This research examined the performance of EDI to the SPI for detecting drought events throughout 35 years (1981 to 2015) in Bangladesh. Rainfall data from 27 meteorological stations across Bangladesh were used to calculate the EDI and SPI values. Results suggest that the EDI can detect historical records of actual events better than SPIs. Moreover, EDI is more efficient in assessing both short and long-term droughts than SPIs. Results also indicate that SPI3 and the EDI indices have a better capability of detecting drought events in Bangladesh compared to other SPIs; however, SPI1 produced erroneous estimates. Therefore, EDI is found to be more responsive to drought conditions and can capture the real essence of the drought situation in Bangladesh. Outcomes from this study bear policy implications on mitigation measures to minimize the loss of agricultural production in drought-prone areas. Information on severity level and persistence of drought conditions will be instrumental for resource managers to allocate scarce resources optimally.


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Fig. 1 Location of meteorological stations and regions in the study area

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Fig. 2 Land use map (left side) and elevation map (Right side) of Bangladesh(Data source:,

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Fig. 2 Historical recorded drought years detected by EDI and SPI3 indices in different stations area: (a) extreme drought, (b) severe drought

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Fig. 3 Observed EDI and SPIs values for Ishwardi station in 1994-1995

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Fig. 4 Spatial pattern of long-term drought detected by EDI and SPIs over Bangladesh in the month of April 1995: (a) EDI for April 1995, (b) SPI1, (c) SPI3, (d) SPI6, (e) SPI(9), and (f) SPI12 for the same month

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Fig. 5 Observed EDI and SPIs values for Dinajpur Station in 2006

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Fig. 6 Spatial pattern of short-term drought detected by EDI and SPIs over Bangladesh in the month of September 2006: (a) EDI for September 2006, (b) SPI1, (c) SPI3, (d) SPI6, (e) SPI(9), and (f) SPI12 for the same month

Table 1 Mean monthly, annual rainfall of various stations in Bangladesh

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Table 2 Historical record of major drought year in Bangladesh during 1981-2015

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Table 3 Classification value of EDI and SPI (Kim. 2009, McKee, 1993)

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Table 4 Historical drought events detected by the EDI and SPI in Bangladesh (1981-2015)

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