강우 자료와 밭작물 물관리 지침서를 이용한 노지 밭작물의 관개 필요량 산정 연구

Irrigation Water Requirements for Upland Crops Using Rainfall Data and Water Management Guidelines

  • Choi, Yonghun (Department of Agricultural Engineering, National Institute of Agricultural Sciences (NAS), Rural Development Administration (RDA)) ;
  • Kim, Youngjin (Department of Agricultural Engineering, National Institute of Agricultural Sciences (NAS), Rural Development Administration (RDA)) ;
  • Kim, Yongwon (Department of Agricultural Engineering, National Institute of Agricultural Sciences (NAS), Rural Development Administration (RDA)) ;
  • Kim, Minyoung (Department of Agricultural Engineering, National Institute of Agricultural Sciences (NAS), Rural Development Administration (RDA)) ;
  • Jeon, Jonggil (Department of Agricultural Engineering, National Institute of Agricultural Sciences (NAS), Rural Development Administration (RDA))
  • 투고 : 2018.11.16
  • 심사 : 2018.12.26
  • 발행 : 2019.01.31


The purpose of this study is to determine the amount of irrigation water for upland crop growth based on the 30 year of historical rainfall data and the water management guidelines as a reference. Five regions and ten crops were selected by their cultivation size. The changes of soil moisture contents were calculated using daily mean rainfall and irrigation demand. This study assumed that crops are irrigated when the soil moisture contents fell below of the field capacity for more than 5 days, which is the drought condition defined by RDA. The maximum irrigation water requirements was 167.2 mm for chinese cabbage during the growing season, which was followed by corn (112.0 mm), daikon (102.3 mm), spinach (66.1 mm), lettuce (56.7 mm), pepper (46.5 mm), potato (33.9 mm), sweet tomato (27.4 mm), peanut (11.5 mm) and bean (10.3 mm), The results of this study could contribute to providing valuable data to determine the capacity of irrigation facilities and to establish the emergency operation plans under extreme unfavorable weather condition (heat wave, etc.) for crop growth.


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Fig. 1 Status of upland crop production by cultivation sizes

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Fig. 2 Conceptual plot for the curve of soil moisture change

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Fig. 3 Conceptual diagram of matching crop and application areas

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Fig. 4 Change of soil moisture content under the condition of irrigation required

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Fig. 5 Change of soil moisture content under the condition of no irrigation required

Table 1 Application area used for computing crop water requirements from the water management guidelines and weather station

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Table 2 Total and daily average of irrigation water by crops

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Table 3 Calculation of duration (T, t) and amount (IT, It) of irrigation required

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