일시적 비사용과 사용 간의 동태적 상태 변화에 대한 연구: 근거이론방법론에 의한 접근

Dynamic State Changes between Temporary Non-Use and Use: Approached by Grounded Theory Methodology

  • 투고 : 2019.12.01
  • 심사 : 2019.12.29
  • 발행 : 2019.12.31


Purpose The purpose of this study is to investigate the nature of temporal non-use, namely, the type of temporal non-use and the dynamic relationships between temporary non-use and use by expanding the model of dynamic state transition of non-use which is proposed by the previous study. Design/methodology/approach This study adopted grounded theory methodology as a research methodology. Fifteen university students were interviewed for open coding and for selected coding which leads the research model ten students were interviewed. Findings Based on the coding, the types of use were divided into interactive use and one-way use, and the types of temporal use were classified into temporal non-use in which use is intended and temporal non-use in which use is not intended. The dynamic transition model is presented for each type of use and temporalnon-use, and an integrated model that combines them is presented. This study found the following four things: First, all non-use can be temporal Second, there are different types of temporal non-use. Third, the pattern of use is not just one, but new patterns will continue to emerge. Fourth, we found a change in the function of SNS.



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