중환자실 간호사의 간호조직문화, 진정성 리더십, 자아존중감이 직장 내 괴롭힘에 미치는 영향에 대한 구조모형

The Structural Equation Model of Organizational Culture, Authentic Leadership, Self-Esteem, and Bullying in Nurses at Critical Care Units

  • Shim, Mi Young (Department of Nursing, Seoul National University Hospital) ;
  • Yoo, Hye Jin (Department of Nursing, Asan Medical Center) ;
  • Kim, Jung Yeon (Department of Nursing, Severance Hospital) ;
  • Kim, Se Ra (Department of Nursing, Asan Medical Center) ;
  • Song, Yu Gil (Department of Nursing, Asan Medical Center) ;
  • Kang, Jiyeon (Department of Nursing, Dong-A University)
  • 투고 : 2019.09.30
  • 심사 : 2019.10.25
  • 발행 : 2019.12.31


Purpose: The purpose of this study were to identify the influential factors of bullying of intensive care nurses and to suggest a final structural model based on identified relationships between nursing organizational culture, authentic leadership, self-esteem, and bullying in the workplace. Methods: Data were collected from 221 nurses at intensive care units in eight general hospitals using structured questionnaires and analyzed by structural equation modeling. Results: In this study, the average of bullying in the workplace was 1.34±0.40, nursing organizational culture was 3.31±0.47, self-esteem was 2.79±0.44, and authentic leadership was 3.61±0.60. The factors affecting nursing organizational culture were authentic leadership (β=.54, p<.001) and self-esteem (β=.24, p=.002) that had direct positive effects on the nursing organizational culture. The nursing organizational culture had also a direct effect on reducing workplace bullying (β=-.45, p<.001). Authentic leadership (β=-.24, p=.004) and self-esteem (β=-.11, p=.004) had indirect effects on workplace bullying, which was mediated by the nursing organizational culture. Conclusion: To understand and reduce workplace bullying, evaluating a nursing organizational culture should be preceded. Based on the finding of this study, an intervention for increasing authentic leadership and self-esteem of nurses can positively help to create the nursing organizational culture and then reduce workplace bullying.



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