Physico-chemical characteristics of mangrove soil in Gulf of Kachchh, Gujarat, India

  • Rajal, Patel (Gujarat Ecological Education and Research (GEER) Foundation Indroda Nature Park) ;
  • Lamb, Christian (Gujarat Ecological Education and Research (GEER) Foundation Indroda Nature Park) ;
  • Roshan, Bhagat (Gujarat Ecological Education and Research (GEER) Foundation Indroda Nature Park) ;
  • Kamboj, R.D. (Gujarat Ecological Education and Research (GEER) Foundation Indroda Nature Park) ;
  • Harshad, Salvi (Government Science College)
  • 투고 : 2019.01.30
  • 심사 : 2019.09.15
  • 발행 : 2019.09.25


This paper presents comprehensive scientific details about mangrove soil in Gulf of Kachchh, Gujarat. A total of ten sites were studied during November, 2011 to December, 2014 in order to know the physico-chemical characteristics of mangrove soil. The results indicated that the soil in GoK had silty loam texture. Other physico-chemical parameters ranged as; pH: 7.39-7.61, Bulk Density: 0.30 g/㎤-0.54 g/㎤, Particle Density: 1.26 g/㎤-1.76 g/㎤, Organic Carbon: 0.70%-1.13%, Organic Matter: 1.01%-1.74% and Moisture Content: 33.45%-56.38%. The paper would be useful to the stakeholders, coastal managers and scientific communities to know the mangrove soil conditions of Gulf of Kachchh for management and planning for conservation of mangrove ecosystem.



연구 과제 주관 기관 : World Bank, MoEF & CC-GoI, SICOM-NPMU, Gujarat Ecology Commission (GEC-SPMU)

The authors are highly grateful to the World Bank, MoEF & CC-GoI, SICOM-NPMU, and Gujarat Ecology Commission (GEC-SPMU) for providing financial support under the Integrated Coastal Zone Management Project for carrying out this study. The authors also thank Department of Forests- Government of Gujarat and Marine National Park & Sanctuary for providing the permission to carry out this research. The authors would also like to thank GEER Foundation for giving the platform to carry out the research work. The support of other research and laboratory staff of GEER Foundation for field data collection is duly acknowledged.


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