가공품질 향상을 위한 스마트폰 커버용 Machining Center Jig의 설계 개선

Design Alterations of a Machining Center Jig for the Improved Surface Quality

  • 투고 : 2019.12.04
  • 심사 : 2019.12.13
  • 발행 : 2019.12.31


One of the most critical aspects of the smartphone industry is the quality of the cover. And the vibrations of machining center are supposed to be the most dominant factors to damage the cover quality. In this study, structure of a machining center has been analyzed through experiments and computer simulations to figure out the main reasons of the vibrations. And the design alterations based on the analysis were applied to identify the effects of those alterations on the vibration suppression. The result shows that the design alterations can effectively suppress about 90% of the vibrations.



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